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How to find Top Mentioners (Influencers)
How to find Top Mentioners (Influencers)

Find the right digital influencers for your industry on web and social media.

Anna Bezani avatar
Written by Anna Bezani
Updated over a year ago

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can use Mentionlytics, towards finding the right digital influencers for your industry, on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or any website.

With this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Identify influencers that are actively sharing content related to your target keywords

  • View influencers' details such as followers, mentions, and description

  • Sort the results by channel (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc), mentions, or followers

  • Preview the social media profile of a top mentioner and directly contact him/her

  • Save your results and download the report in Excel format

By clicking on a Top Mentioner, the profile of him is available (click on the “x” on the top right to close):

  • On Twitter: number of Tweets, followers, and mentions, the location, and recent tweets are available.

  • On TikTok:

  • On YouTube: the biography, the number of videos, subscribers, mentions, views, and the latest videos are available.

  • On Instagram: Summary by URL, the number of posts, followers, mentions, location, and recent posts are available

Let's start! 

  1. Begin with the basic setup of Mentionlytics. In the main dashboard, click on the button (‘Add Keyword Tracker’) sign next to Brand Monitoring.

  2. A pop-up for adding the Mention Tracker Name will open. Select the category of an entity that you are looking to monitor and then add the name of your campaign ("Social Media Monitoring Keywords" in this case).

3. You should now be able to see the new Mention Tracker under Brand Monitoring in the main dashboard. Click on the plus (‘+’) sign next to the Mention Tracker.

4. You will now be able to see two options on your screen: Keyword and Social Profile. Click on the option for Keyword.

5. Now, add the keyword that you want Mentionlytics to monitor under the Main Keyword tab. Be sure to add a single keyword or phrase only. Click on Save once you have entered the keyword. For this example, “Social Media Monitoring” is the keyword in case that you need to find digital influencers from this business sector.

6. You will now be able to see the added keyword under your Mention Tracker for Brand Monitoring.

7. To add another keyword, click on the plus (‘+’) sign next to your Mention Tracker again.

8. Select the option for Keyword from the pop-up that opens up on your screen.

9. Enter the keyword under the Main Keyword tab and click on the second keyword for monitoring ("Social Media Listening" in this case) will now be added to your Mention Tracker.

10. Repeat Step 7 – Step 9 of the setup for adding all main keywords to the Mention Tracker. Remember, one keyword at a time!

11. For finding digital influencers that are actively sharing content related to your target keywords, click on the Top Mentioners tab in the side panel. A list of all digital influencers details such as followers, mentions, and description will be displayed.

12. You can sort the results by channel (such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) by clicking on ‘Channel’ and choose one of the channels. Also, you could choose "All sources, to sort all the channels

13. If you are looking for digital influencers that have mentioned the target keywords the most times, you can sort the results by Mentions as well. Simply click on the ‘Mentions’ column to sort the results.

14. If you are looking for digital influencers that have the most followers, click on the ‘Followers’ column to sort the results by followers.

15. If you want to preview the social media profile of a top mentioner, click on their name.

16. You can send a tweet/message to the digital influencer by clicking on the ‘@’ under the name of the top mentioner to redirect you to the top mentioner profile with a pop-up tweet box.

17. If you want to preview all the mentions that a digital influencer has made related to the target keyword(s), click on their number of mentions.

18. The information about the digital influencer’s profile will open up within the Mentionlytics dashboard allowing you to view their tweets, followers, mentions, and bay area.

19. If you wish to view a specific tweet by the top mentioner, click on the ‘Open’ button under the tweet. You could also see the words the mentioner uses the most

20. You will now be redirected to the tweet on Twitter from where you can perform actions such as Retweet, Share, and Reply on it.

22. Finally, you can also save the results to an Excel sheet for offline use and presentation. Click on the Download button on the top right corner of your screen to download them in Excel format.

Using the right keywords for your industry, not only you can find the right influencers but you can get in touch with them right away!

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