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Text Element

How to add text to Multi-Touch creatives

Taylor Dunne avatar
Written by Taylor Dunne
Updated over a week ago

The Text element can add unique messaging to your Multi-Touch creative. You can customize the Text element in several ways. To start customizing, click the Text icon to expand the Text Attribute Panel and reveal your styling options.

In this article, we'll cover the following:

βœ… Moving Text

βœ… Styling Text

Uploading Custom Fonts

If you want to use a custom font in your Multi-Touch creative, you can upload it directly into the Ad Builder.

  1. Open the Text Attribute Panel, then click on Font Family. Select the Upload Font button to open the Custom Font modal.

  2. You may upload .woff, .ttf, .otf, or .eot font file types from the modal.

  3. Name your custom font, then click save. The new custom font will be available in your font library with an asterisk in the top left corner denoting a custom font. Your custom font will only be accessible in your advertiser account.

🧠 Pro Tip: Upload as many file types of the same font as possible; the more files uploaded, the better your font will display across all web browsers.

Resizing Text Box

You have two options for resizing your text box within your ad creative.

  • Resizing from Attributes Panel: You can resize your text box within the attributes panel by entering the Width and Height in pixels of your desired size or by using the plus and minus signs to increase or decrease its size.

  • Resizing in the Ad Workboard: You can edit the size from within the Ad Workboard by using the bounding box to drag the corners or sides of the text box element to resize it.

Moving Text

You have two options for moving your text within your ad creative.

  • Defining Pixel Placement: You can determine where the element lives based on pixel placement using the Top and Left fields. The Top field will specify the number of pixels between the ad frame's top edge and the Text element's top edge. The Left field will define the number of pixels between the ad frame's left edge and the text element's left edge.

  • Moving in the Ad Workboard: You can drag and drop the Text element within the Ad Workboard to relocate the element to your desired position.

Styling Text

Use the Attribute Panel to adjust the font, font color, background color, font size, font style, text alignment, and more! Below are the styling options:

Click on the Font Family option to either upload a brand-specific font using the Upload Font option, search for a specific font in our font library, or scroll through our available fonts.

Click the Back button at the top of the Font menu to save your selection.

Click on the Background Color option to set the background color of your Text element. You can select a color using your mouse or type in the HTML color code. You can also adjust the Color Opacity. To save the changes, click the Back button at the top of the sidebar.

🧠 Pro Tip: Selecting the white box with the red diagonal line makes the background color transparent.

Click on the Font Color option to open the text color customization palette. You can select a color using your mouse or type in the HTML color code. You can also adjust the color opacity under Font Color. To save the changes, click the Back button at the top of the sidebar.

🧠 Pro Tip: Selecting the white box with the red diagonal line makes the font color transparent.

To adjust the Font Size, hover over the default font size to either input the exact font size or use the Plus and Minus buttons to adjust.

To adjust the Line Height, hover over the default font size to either input the exact line height or use the Plus and Minus buttons to adjust.

Use Letter Spacing to move the letters in the Text element closer or farther apart.

Easily update the case of your text from Normal to Uppercase.

Use the Font Style tool to format the Text element using bold, italicized, or underlined styling.

Use the Text Align tool to set the text within the element to either left, center, or right.

Use the Vertical Text Align tool to define the vertical alignment of the text within the Text element. Alignments include top, middle, and bottom.

Use the Element Align tool to align elements in relation to the ad frame. Alignments include top, horizontal center, bottom, left, vertical center, and right.

Controls the width of the text bounding box in pixels.

Controls the height of the text bounding box in pixels.

Adjusts the vertical placement of the text bounding box.

🧠 Pro Tip: Think of this as the Text Element's relationship to the top of the creative unit. The larger the number, the greater the distance from the top.

Adjusts the horizontal placement of the text bounding box.

🧠 Pro Tip: Think of this as the Text Element's relationship to the left side of the creative unit. The larger the number, the greater the distance from the left.

Use the Rotate tool to rotate your Text element to the left or right. You can also choose to input the exact degrees of rotation through the entry field or use the Plus and Minus buttons to increase or decrease rotation.

Use the Shadow tool to add a shadow effect to the Text element.

🧠 Pro Tip: Selecting the box with the diagonal line removes the shadow effect

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