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Access to the App
Access to the App

We answer the typical questions related to accessing the App

Sara avatar
Written by Sara
Updated over a week ago

Do I have to download the App?

Yes, the App we have created is designed so that there is real interaction with the customer, not just a simple view of the online itinerary. Push notifications, messages and alerts are sent from the App. These are communications that if it were not an App would not reach the user's mobile phone and it would be a risk as we would not be able to measure that the information is being received.

However, we have worked hard to ensure that there are as few barriers to downloading it as possible. Once the customer scans the QR, he/she will arrive at the first white screen that is displayed. There they will have to click on "open". It will take you to the Application to download it. Click on "create account" and the trip will open automatically.

In this video you can see it in more detail:

How do I tell my client that the trip includes the App?

We know that at the beginning it can be a bit complicated to share with the client that the trip includes the use of the App. How do we explain MOGU? How do I pass on the link? Surely these are some of the questions running through your mind.

That's why we've prepared the message so you can copy and paste it directly into an email to your customers.

"We have uploaded all the trip information to the App so that you can always have everything at hand (itinerary, trip documents, chat with the guide, etc.). All you have to do is open this link from your mobile phone to download the App and register as a traveller. You will see that it is very simple. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write to us.

Link: [Paste link]"

In case you are an incoming agency or any agency that is providing service to another agency, the message to copy and paste could be the following:

"In our trips we use an App so that the traveller has the itinerary and documents at hand and at the same time, a chat with the guide to facilitate communication at the destination. Everything is already prepared. The only thing you need to do is to share this link with the clients so that they can enter the trip in the App: [Paste link]

If you prefer, you can directly send this message:

"We have uploaded all the trip information to the App so that you can always have everything at hand (itinerary, trip documents, chat with the guide, etc.). You just have to open this link from your mobile phone to download the App and register as a traveller. You will see that it is very simple. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write to us.

Link: [Paste link]"

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