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Payment calendars
Payment calendars
Alicia Escobar avatar
Written by Alicia Escobar
Updated over a week ago

To avoid forgetting or delays with payments, MOGU has implemented the option to set up automatic payment schedules. In this way, agencies can schedule recurring and/or one-off payments in a few clicks within a very intuitive interface - read on and we'll show you how!!! 🤪

This functionality has important advantages:

  • Payment automation. This ensures that all payments are automatically debited from the customer's bank card before the due date.

  • We avoid having to send several payment reminders to the customer. Therefore, errors that may arise when following up payments are reduced.

  • Improved travel planning. We help travellers to better plan their expenses. This means they don't have to worry about last-minute payments.

  • Improves customer relations. A well-designed payment schedule also helps customers have a better experience. Because customers know exactly when they are expected to pay, it helps them maintain a trusting relationship with the travel agency.

Setting up the payment schedule

Here are the steps to follow to start implementing it in your proposals:

1. First make sure that the trip has a date indicated. This step is necessary for the payment schedule to be activated in the "Price" tab.

2. In the "price" tab of our proposal, you need to fill in a series of fields: title, description, quantity, currency, etc.

WARNING! If you have a premium account, you will be able to create as many price packages as you want, depending on the options you are going to offer the traveller (in this example we are going to create 3 different prices: single, double and triple inside cabin).

3. We can then choose to give the customer the option of full payment, payment plan or both. In this case, we are going to set up a payment plan, so we must indicate the instalments, the due dates and the different amounts to be charged.

As we create the calendar, at the bottom of this pop-up window, you will see the resulting payment plan that will be offered to the customer:

4. Commission of 2%. As this is a very powerful functionality, there is an associated cost. In this same window we must check or uncheck the box if we want to pass this commission on to the client, or if on the contrary, we decide to take care of this cost independently of the trip.

5. Save changes and view the final proposal:

How the client sees it

When the client reviews the agency's final proposal, he/she must select the payment method (make a one-off payment or use the payment schedule option) and enter his/her bank account details:

In this way, with the first payment of the deposit, the customer's card is saved and the subsequent payments will be made automatically, so quick and easy!

Here I also leave you an explanatory video with the steps that have been seen throughout this article:

We hope you find it useful and get a lot out of it! 🙌

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