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How to manage school trips
How to manage school trips
Alicia Escobar avatar
Escrito por Alicia Escobar
Updated over a week ago

Please note that in order to manage school trips (submission, registration and collection) you need to have a Premium plan onwards.

Organising a school trip can be a complex and time-consuming task. From creating detailed budgets to managing registrations and payments, each stage requires meticulous attention. This article will serve as your guide to simplify the planning and management of your school trips.

Firstly, keep in mind that the trip you build in MOGU will serve both as a budget to present to the school and as a registration website for parents, once the school has given the go-ahead.

Budget to the school

The first thing to do is to create the proposal with all the information about the trip (transport, accommodation, timetables, activities, etc). We recommend personalising it with the logo of the school to which it is addressed.

It is possible that you will present the school with a price list depending on the number of registrations. In this case, you can create a price table like this one:


Amount of the trip / PAX

Based on 40


Based on 50


Based on 60


Once you have it, share the PDF with the school, as this is the most common format they usually work with. Remember to use page breaks if you want to further improve the presentation of the PDF.

Once the school confirms the budget, we will make a series of adjustments on the same trip to prepare it for parents to enrol their children:

Registration page for parents

These adjustments consist of three very simple steps: activate the form to request all the information we want, activate the online payment, and upload all the documentation for parents to download and sign. Let's see how easy it is!

1. Booking form

Activate the booking form, to collect all the necessary information about each student. You can add all kinds of questions, from uploading your ID, allergies, uploading a signed authorisation, acceptance of the terms and conditions of the trip, etc. In short, everything you need to save endless email exchanges with the teacher or school ;)

Tip: you can view all the answers in an excel file that will be synchronised in real time and that you can share with the school so that they can check the status of the registrations. To do this, configure your gmail account in settings.

2. Online charging

Add a price block and activate the possibility of online payment. Set up a payment schedule to be able to collect first the deposit and then the remaining amount.

Normally on school trips there is a deadline for people to register so that the total number of people and the final price can be confirmed.

You can add this explanatory table indicating the deposit to be paid and the remaining amount to be charged depending on the total number of people registered until the deadline.




Based on 40



Based on 50



Based on 60



3. Documentation

A school trip usually includes a lot of documentation. You can create a section at the end and add any files you need parents to download:

  • Contract template

  • Authorisation for parents to sign

You can use a drop-down block to include everything related to legal texts.

Instructions *BONUS

We recommend adding an instruction section at the top so that parents know everything in advance. For example:

  1. Make sure you have a photo of the student's ID / Passport at hand.

  2. Authorisation: Download and sign the travel authorisation for the child. You will be asked to add it at the time of registration.

  3. Contract: Download and sign the contract. You will be asked to add it at the time of registration.

  4. When registering you will be asked to pay a €100 deposit by credit card. Registrations will be accepted until 11 September. After that date we will know the total number of students enrolled and the remaining amount will be charged according to the established payment schedule.

In case of divorced parents, please contact us at to pay outside the tool in half.

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