Creating a purchase order to replenish stock from a local supplier is straightforward. Here's how you can do it:
Click on 'Parts / Tyres > Tyres' to access the Tyres section.
In the bottom half of the screen, choose 'Purchase Orders'. (1)
Click on 'New' to create a new purchase order. (2) This will open a popup window.
Fill in Purchase Order Details:
Enter the date.
Select the supplier from the dropdown list or create a new one.
Choose the order status (failure, pending, or success).
Input the order number, supplier comments, and reference.
Click 'Save' once all details are entered.
Double click on an item in your local stock list above to add it to the purchase order.
Enter the quantity required and click 'Save'.
Alternatively, Add Items from Search:
Perform a search for a tyre.
If there's only one result, a line will be automatically added to the purchase order.
Enter the quantity required and save.
If you need to remove items click on the delete button to remove a row.