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Create a Putaway Algorithm

How to create a putaway algorithm and the rules that it will use.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over 5 months ago

Are you interested in creating a putaway algorithm to simplify your putaway process? This article will get you started.

Article Contents

Guide to Creating a Putaway Algorithm

  • First, navigate to the Algorithms screen.

    • If you cannot find the screen, please use the Search Option on the menu bar.

  • Select Putaway Algorithm from the available options.

  • Select Create Putaway Algorithm from the right side of the screen.

    • After your account is created, a default algorithm named with SAME_SKU_EMPTY_LOCATION_ALGORITHM will be created automatically.

Expand to learn more about the default putaway algorithm

The default putaway algorithm includes those rules:

  • Suggest a location that has the same SKU

  • Check the Location Capacities and if there is a location assigned to the SKU to be moved, suggest the assigned location based on the capacity

  • Order by descending Total Inventory Quantity (Find eligible locations for the above actions first and then suggest the first location that has the most inventory)

  • A menu with the header Create Algorithm will display. The Primary Information tab will load first.

  • Fill in the following information in the Primary Information section:

    • Algorithm Name*: Type the algorithm's name in the system. We recommend a simple and recognizable name.

    • Warehouse*: Select the relevant warehouse from a dropdown menu.

      • Keep in mind that the putaway algorithm is created on a warehouse-by-warehouse basis.

    • Active: Set the algorithm as active (Yes) or inactive (No). It must be set to active to be used.

      • Please note that only one algorithm can be active in the system at a time.

*Required fields

  • Click Save and Proceed. Then, move to the Rules tab.

  • Click the Create New button to define a rule for this algorithm. Selecting this will open new options on the right side of the screen.

  • You can now define the specifics of your first rule. Begin by entering a name in the Rule Name field.


  • First, you'll need to set a condition by selecting the Plus (+) button next to Condition.

  • Some key details about conditions:

    • A condition is something that will be applied to the inventory in source location. If the inventory of the source location meets the condition, then the action can happen.

    • The condition can be set to apply to all situations or a specific condition.

    • You can define single or multiple conditions for one rule.

  • If you select Apply to All, this will apply the created rule to all putaway actions. Click Add to continue.

  • If you select Specify Condition, you can set a variety of conditional statements, starting with the If that you select. The available options will vary depending on your initial If selection.

Two examples:

  • Select the Add button to save your condition.

    • You can add additional conditions to this rule by clicking the Plus (+) that appears next to the first condition, or use the Edit or Delete buttons to make changes.

  • All available putaway algorithm conditions are explained in this article.


  • Next, define an action or multiple actions for the Action section. This sets the action that the system takes when the selected condition or conditions are met.

  • Click the Plus (+) button to add an action.

  • Some key details about actions:

    • An action is what is taken to suggest a target location if the condition for the inventory of the source location is met.

    • You can define single or multiple conditions for one rule.

  • Just a few examples of actions you can choose from:

  • You can add additional actions to this rule by clicking the Plus (+) that appears next to your new action, or use the Edit or Delete buttons to make changes.

  • Available putaway algorithm actions are explained in this article.

Order By

  • Finally, define the Order By, which is the sorting method for the action that you've set to occur.

  • For example, you might have the SKUs assigned to Euro Pallets checked in an ascending order by aisle.

  • After you've set your Condition, Action, and Order By, click the Save Rule button at the bottom of the screen.

  • You will receive a confirmation message if the rule was saved successfully.

  • You can now use the Test Rule and Test Algorithm buttons to see the results of your work.

A Few Putaway Algorithm Examples

Here are a few putaway algorithm examples that you can use for your operations:

  • To suggest a target location that has the same client with the transferred products based on the location capacity and lot batch number:

    • Set a condition as Apply To All.

    • Set an action as Check Same Client.

    • Set a secondary action as Check Location Capacity.

    • Set a tertiary action as Check Same Lot/Batch Number.

    • Set an order by as Total Inventory Quantity in Descending order.

  • To suggest a target location to which only the items with a specific damage reason can be transferred based on the location capacity:

    • Set a condition as Apply To All.

    • Set an action as Check Same Damage Reason

    • Set a secondary action as Check Location Capacity.

    • Set an order by as Total Inventory Quantity in Descending order.

  • To suggest a target location based on the LP capacity for the transferred LPs:

    • Set a condition as Apply To All.

    • Set an action as Check Location Capacity.

    • Set an order by as Total Inventory Quantity in Descending order.

  • To suggest a target location that has exactly the same items with the transferred SKUs by regarding the location capacity, and if no suitable target location is found, then suggest an empty target location:

    • Set a condition as Apply To All.

    • Set an action as Suggest a Location That Has The Same SKU.

    • Set a secondary as Suggest an Empty Location.

    • Set a tertiary action as Check Location Capacity.

    • Set an order by as Total Inventory Quantity in Descending order.

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