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Custom Carrier Field Map

Information for developers on the API fields that connect custom carriers to Logiwa.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over 4 months ago

Logiwa's custom carrier feature is a versatile tool that allows you to build a direct connection between Logiwa and a carrier of your choice. Creating a custom carrier is a several step process. To learn more about the process, please read about the initial data setup, followed by adding a custom carrier.

In this article, our goal is to provide developers with a comprehensive list of the fields that will be used to create a custom carrier endpoint. By utilizing these fields and following our model, developers will be able to create endpoints that align with our system.

To view example requests and responses, please see this link.

Get Rate Request

Get Rate Request objects can be used to request shipment rates. These include all the essential information required to ship a package, including the shipment order code, identifier, client, warehouse, and other necessary information.

  • shipmentOrderCode: Code for a shipment order used when requesting a rate.

  • shipmentOrderIdentifier: Identifier for a shipment order used when requesting rates.

  • clientIdentifier: Identifier for a client used when requesting rates.

  • clientDisplayName: Name for a client used when requesting rates.

  • warehouseIdentifier: Identifier for a warehouse used when requesting rates

  • carrierSetupIdentifier: Identifier for the carrier setup used to request rates.

  • carrier: Name used in Logiwa for the custom carrier associated with a rate.

  • shippingOption: Shipping service offered by the custom carrier associated with a rate.

  • currency: Currency in which the requested rate is displayed.

  • testLabel: Indicates if the requested label with rate(s) is a test label (true) or is not a test label (false).

  • shipFrom

    • addressLine1: First line of the address a shipment order originates from.

    • addressLine2: Second line of the address a shipment order originates from.

    • city: City of the address a shipment order originates from.

    • stateOrProvinceCode: State/province of the address a shipment order originates from.

    • postalCode: Zip/postal code of the address a shipment order originates from.

    • countryCode: 2-letter country code of the address a shipment order originates from.

  • shipTo

    • addressLine1: First line of the address an order will ship to.

    • addressLine2: Second line of the address an order will be ship to.

    • city: City of the address an order will be shipped to.

    • stateOrProvinceCode: State/province of the address an order will ship to.

    • postalCode: Zip or postal code of the address an order will ship to.

    • countryCode: 2-letter country code of the address an order will be ship to.

  • requestedPackageLineItems

    • package

    • insuranceOptions

      • Type: Name of the insurance type used for a shipment order.

      • Value: Numerical value of the insurance used for a shipment order.

    • weight

      • Units: Unit of measurement for the weight of a shipment package.

      • Value: Numerical value for the weight of a shipment package.

    • dimensions

      • Length: Numerical value for the length of a shipment package.

      • Width: Numerical value for the width of a shipment package.

      • Height: Numerical value for the height of a shipment package.

      • Units: Unit of measurement used for length, width, and height dimensions.

    • confirmation: Indicates how recipients confirm they have received a shipment package (signature, adult signature, etc.).

    • packageSequenceNumber: Defines the sequence in which rates are assigned to packages if there are multiple shipment packages in the request.

  • billingOptions

    • billingType: Defines who will take charge of the shipment costs, such as the Sender, Recipient, Third Party, etc.

  • advancedOptions

    • saturdayDelivery: Indicates if Saturday delivery is selected for a shipment (true) or not (false).

    • fedexOneRate: Indicates if FedEx One Rate (flat rate shipping) is selected for a shipment (true) or not (false).

    • orderTags: Tags associated with a shipment.

    • customFieldDateTime1: Custom date and time field that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

    • customFieldDateTime2: 2nd custom date and time field that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

    • customFieldDateTime3: 3rd custom date and time field that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

    • customFieldToggle1: Custom toggle that can be in a true/false or on/off state, used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

    • customFieldToggle2: 2nd custom toggle that can be in a true/false or on/off state, used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

    • customFieldDropDown1: Selected option from a configurable dropdown list that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

    • customFieldDropDown2: 2nd selected option from a configurable dropdown list that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

    • customFieldTextBox1: Entered text in a custom text box field used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

    • customFieldTextBox2: Entered text in a 2nd custom text box field used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

    • customFieldTextBox3: Entered text in a 3rd custom text box field used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

Get Rate Response

  • data

    • shipmentOrderCode: Code for a shipment order used when requesting a rate.

    • shipmentOrderIdentifier: Identifier for a shipment order used when requesting rates.

    • rateList

      • carrier: Name used in Logiwa for the custom carrier associated with a rate.

      • shippingOption: Shipping service offered by the custom carrier associated with a rate.

      • totalCost: The added total of shipping cost and other cost for this shipping option.

      • shippingCost: Price of shipping alone for this shipping option, which may or may not differ from total cost.

      • otherCost: Any additional cost that will apply to the rate.

      • currency: Currency in which the requested rate is displayed.

    • isSuccessful: Indicates if getting the rate was successful (true) or was not (false).

    • message: If the carrier returns an error message for the rate inquiry, this field will be used to send it.

Create Label Request

Create Label Request objects are used to provide all the necessary information to create labels for shipment orders.

  • shipmentOrderCode: Code for the shipment order to be linked with a label.

  • shipmentOrderIdentifier: Identifier for the shipment order to be linked with a label.

  • clientIdentifier: Identifier for the client to be linked with a label.

  • clientDisplayName: Name for the client to be linked with a label.

  • warehouseIdentifier: Identifier for the warehouse to be linked with a label.

  • carrierSetupIdentifier: Identifier for the custom carrier setup to be linked with a label.

  • carrier: Name used in Logiwa for the custom carrier linked with a label.

  • shippingOption: Shipping service offered by the custom carrier linked with a label.

  • plannedPickUpDate: Planned pickup date for an order to be linked with a label.

  • currency: Currency used to pay for a label.

  • testLabel: Indicates if a label that is about to be created is a test label (true) or is not (false).

  • shipFrom

    • contact

      • companyName: Name of the company a shipment order originates from.

      • personName: Name of the person a shipment order originates from.

      • phoneNumber: Phone number of the person/company a shipment order originates from.

      • emailAddress: Email address of the person/company a shipment order originates from.

    • address

      • addressLine1: First line of the address a shipment order originates from.

      • addressLine2: Second line of the address a shipment order originates from.

      • city: City of the address a shipment order originates from.

      • stateOrProvinceCode: State/province of the address a shipment order originates from.

      • postalCode: Zip/postal code of the address a shipment order originates from.

      • countryCode: 2-letter country code of the address a shipment order originates from.

  • shipTo

    • contact

      • companyName: Name of the company a shipment order is shipping to.

      • personName: Name of the person a shipment order is shipping to.

      • phoneNumber: Phone number of the person/company a shipment order is shipping to.

      • emailAddress: Email address of the person/company a shipment order is shipping to.

    • address

      • adressLine1: First line of the address an order will ship to.

      • addressLine2: Second line of the address an order will be ship to.

      • city: City of the address an order will ship to.

      • stateOrProvinceCode: State/province of the address an order will ship to.

      • postalCode: Zip or postal code of the address an order will ship to.

      • countryCode: 2-letter country code of the address an order will ship to.

    • requestedPackageLineItems

      • package: Type of shipment package used for for a shipment order.

      • insuranceOptions

        • type: Name of the insurance type used for a shipment order.

        • value: Numerical value of the insurance used for a shipment order.

      • weight

        • units: Unit of measurement for the weight of a shipment package.

        • value: Numerical value for the weight of a shipment package.

      • dimensions

        • length: Numerical value for the length of a shipment package.

        • width: Numerical value for the width of a shipment package.

        • height: Numerical value for the height of a shipment package.

        • Units: Unit of measurement used for length, width, and height dimensions.

      • confirmation: Indicates how recipients confirm they have received a shipment package (signature, adult signature, etc.).

      • packageSequenceNumber: Defines the sequence in which labels are assigned to packages if there are multiple shipment packages in the request.

  • internationalOptions

    • customsItems

      • quantity: Total amount of item(s) that will go through customs.

      • SKU: SKU of an item that will go through customs.

      • description: Description of an item that will go through customs.

      • originCountryCode: Country associated with the manufacture of an item that will go through customs.

      • HSTarriffCode: HTS code/harmonized code associated with an item that will go through customs.

      • declaredValue: Numerical declared worth of an item that will go through customs.

    • labelSpecification

      • labelFileType: File type of a label (PDF, ZPL, PNG, etc.).

      • labelFormat: Size of the label, for example 4x8.

    • billingOptions

      • billingType: Defines who will take charge of the shipment costs, such as the Sender, Recipient, Third Party, etc.

    • labelReferences

      • reference1: Called label messages in the system, an additional value included on a label, such as order code, SKU, store name, etc.

        • reference2: 2nd additional value included on a label.

        • reference3: 3rd additional value included on a label.

    • advancedOptions

      • saturdayDelivery: Indicates if Saturday delivery is selected for a shipment (true) or not (false).

      • fedexOneRate: Indicates if FedEx One Rate (flat rate shipping) is selected for a shipment (true) or not (false).

      • orderTags: Tags associated with a shipment.

      • customFieldDateTime1: Custom date and time field that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

      • customFieldDateTime2: 2nd custom date and time field that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

      • customFieldDateTime3: 3rd custom date and time field that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

      • customFieldToggle1: Custom toggle that can be in a true/false or on/off state, used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

      • customFieldToggle2: 2nd custom toggle that can be in a true/false or on/off state, used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

      • customFieldDropDown1: Selected option from a configurable dropdown list that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

      • customFieldDropDown2: 2nd selected option from a configurable dropdown list that can be used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

      • customFieldTextBox1: Entered text in a custom text box field used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

      • customFieldTextBox2: Entered text in a 2nd custom text box field used to store any additional information related to a shipment.

      • customFieldTextBox3: Entered text in a 3rd custom text box field used to store any additional information related to a shipment

Create Label Response

  • data

    • shipmentOrderIdentifier: Identifier for a shipment order associated with a label.

    • shipmentOrderCode: Code for a shipment order associated with a label.

    • carrier: Name used in Logiwa for the custom carrier associated with a label.

    • shippingOption: Shipping service offered by the custom carrier associated with a label.

    • packageResponse

      • packageSequenceNumber: Defines the sequence in which labels are assigned to packages if there are multiple shipment packages in the request.

      • trackingNumber: Tracking number for a created label.

      • encodedLabel: Base64 String format version of the created label.

      • labelURL: URL for the file version of a created label.

    • rateDetail

      • totalCost: The added total of shipping cost and other cost for this label.

        shippingCost: Price of shipping alone for this label, which may or may not differ from total cost.

        otherCost: Any additional cost that applied to the label.

        currency: Currency in which the label was purchased.

    • masterTrackingNumber: Defines the master tracking number for shipments with multiple labels. Each label has its own tracking number, with one being assigned as the master tracking number, and the rest becoming sub tracking numbers.

    • isSuccessful: Indicates if creating the label was successful (true) or was not (false).

    • message: If the carrier returns an error message for the label creation, this field will be used to send it.

End-of-Day Report Request

  • carrierSetupIdentifier: Identifier for the custom carrier setup linked with EOD report being requested.

  • carrier: Name used in Logiwa for the custom carrier associated with the EOD report being requested.

  • closeDate: The date on which the report was generated.

End-of-Day Report Response

  • carrierSetupIdentifier: Identifier for the custom carrier setup linked with the requested EOD report.

  • carrier: Name used in Logiwa for the custom carrier associated with the requested EOD report.

  • encodedReport: Base64 String format version of the EOD report.

  • isSuccessful: Indicates if the report was successfully generated

  • message: If the EOD report could not be generated, the reason can be viewed in this field.

Void Label Request

Void Label Request objects can be used to cancel a label before it's used.

  • shipmentOrderIdentifier: Identifier assigned to a shipment order associated with a label.

  • masterTrackingNumber: Defines the master tracking number for shipments with multiple labels. The master tracking number allows you to cancel all labels that are associated with a shipment order.

Void Label Response

  • shipmentOrderIdentifier: Identifier assigned to a shipment order associated with a label.

  • masterTrackingNumber: Defines the master tracking number for shipments with multiple labels. The master tracking number allows you to cancel all labels that are associated with a shipment order.

  • isSuccessful: Indicates if cancelling a label was successful (true) or was not (false).

  • message: If label creation was unsuccessful, the reason can be viewed in this field.

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