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Scale on Packing Guide

How to enable the Scale add-on and utilize it when packing items at the packing station.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over 2 months ago

Using a scale during packing is an add-on available for Logiwa IO. This feature assists with accurate weight measurements, reducing errors and improving packing efficiency. Interested in utilizing the scale during packing? Reach out to your CSM to talk about adding this add-on to your Logiwa IO plan.

To use any add-on, you'll need to activate it through our Add-Ons page. Learn more about that process here.

Initial Setup

Please go to Add-On screen.

Once you activate your Scale add-on, you'll fill in some initial information. Follow the guide below to complete this process.


  • First, you will create a User Name and Password (User Name should be in email format). This will establish your connection to PrintNode.

    • Please note that the entered User Name and Password are being used for creating an account in PrintNode. Thus, entered credentials are being saved immediately.

  • Click Next to proceed.


In this section, you'll download a necessary file to use the scale.

Note: Install the setup file on any computers in the packing station using the scales before connecting the scales.

  • From the Setup page, click on the Download Setup File button to download this file.

    • You can also send this link to other computers that need to download the file.

  • For additional support, click on the Add-On setup link or click the Setup Details button.

  • Check the box next to the "I have installed the setup file to the computers at the packing station(s)." line to verify you have completed this process and proceed.

  • Click Next.


This is where you'll add the scales you'll use at the packing station.

  • Click Add Scale to open the pop-up to enter this information.

  • Fill in the required fields on the Add Scale pop-up: Computer, Scale, Warehouse, and Packing Station. Each field is explained below:

    • Computer: Select the computer utilizing the scale at the packing station. (Computer information is retrieved via Printnode API)

    • Scale: Select the scale that will take measurements at the packing station.
      (Scale information is retrieved via Printnode API)

    • Warehouse: Select the warehouse will this scale will be utilized.

    • Packing Station: Select the packing station location at the warehouse selected.

Important Note: One computer and one scale can be connected per Packing Station.

  • Click Next to proceed.


In this section, any other fields available can be modified. Currently, this section consists of the Weight Different Threshold.

  • The Weight Difference Threshold is the percentage by which a package can be over the expected weight before a warning message is displayed by the system.

    • For example, if the expected weight for a package is 100 grams, and the Weight Difference Threshold is set to 10%, any weight over 110 grams will result in a warning at the packing station.

  • Currently, this feature will not prevent a package from being shipped. It will merely display a warning if the package is overweight.

  • This field is optional.

  • Once you've input the necessary information, click Save to complete your scale setup.

  • You can now utilize your scale when packing at the packing station.

Packing Screen

  • Select your Warehouse and Packing Station on the Packing screen.

    • If you have a scale connected to your computer and to the selected Packing Station, the system will use scale integration to gather weight information.

  • If the scale is connected successfully, a toolbar will be shown on the screen.

    • Users can drag this toolbar on the packing screen to change its placement

  • The toolbar can be expanded to view the Scale Device Name, Calculated Weight, Measured Weight and Remeasure buttons

    • Calculated Weight: This is the total weight of scanned products' weights and the empty weight of the shipment package type that has been selected. Thus, it is an information that comes from master data and is auto-populated.

    • Measured Weight: This is the weight information that comes from the scale connection.

    • Remeasure Button: If there is a problem/latency with the scale integration, the user can re-trigger get weight method by using this button.

  • Once a product is scanned on the packing screen, "Total Weight" field automatically filled out based on the weight of the scanned product.

Please note that the system converts the weight information to Warehouse Default Weight Unit (which is set from the Warehouse screen).

Thus, if the product's, shipment package type's and/or scale's weight unit is different from the Warehouse Default Weight Unit, they will be converted.


Default Weight Unit of the Warehouse: Lbs

Shipment Order: SO1000

SKUA / Qty:2 / Weight Unit: Lbs / Weight: 10

SKUB / Qty:1 / Weight Unit: Kg / Weight: 5

SKUC / Qty:1 / Weight Unit: Oz / Weight: 3

Shipment Package Type: BOX10 / 100 grams

  • 5 kg will be converted to lbs → 11.0231 lbs

  • 100 grams will be converted to lbs → 0.220462 lbs

  • 3 oz will be converted to lbs → 0.1875 lbs

  • Total Weight shown on the Packing Screen: 31.431 lbs

  • Users can see weight differences noted by the system in Measured Weight field.

    • This difference is shown in parenthesis and represents the difference between Measured Weight and Calculated Weight (Total Weight)

    • If the difference passes the Weight Difference Threshold entered in the Add-On screen, the difference is shown in red.

      • However, it does not stop packing. The color serves only as a warning.

    • If the difference does not pass the Weight Difference Threshold, the difference is shown in orange.

  • Users can edit the Measured Weight field from the Edit button

    • Please note, since the weight information is retrieved real-time, if the weight on the scale is changed physically, the weight that comes from scale integration will be pulled again.

  • Once the products are scanned and Package Type, Dimensions, and Measured Weight are correctly filled out, the user can use the Close Pack button to close the package.

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