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How do I confirm or update the address where my disbursements are sent?
How do I confirm or update the address where my disbursements are sent?
Updated over 5 months ago

We use GuideStar to validate your organization’s address before sending a paper check. GuideStar’s database uses Form 990s from the IRS and other information organizations have shared to provide the most up-to-date information on more than 2.7 million nonprofits!

All physical checks will be mailed to the address listed on your organization’s GuideStar profile.

Contact GuideStar

You must contact GuideStar directly if you need to update the address on file for your organization. Once they have updated your address in their system, we will also update it on our end.

Contact our Support Team

If your check was sent to an incorrect address in error or was never received, contact our Support Team! They can help get that check re-issued to the correct location!

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