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Understanding Importing and Exporting Data
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Feature Overview: Importing and Exporting Data

Importing data into 'Donor Management' allows you to use it as a "system of record" for all information related to your donors - their contact information, transaction history, communication preferences, and more. Exporting your data allows you to report more comprehensively on your donor and transaction data so your reporting shows a more holistic view of your overall fundraising efforts.

This easy-to-use feature allows you to add (and then easily view and manage) a donor's personalized information and history with your organization and use that information to personalize your communication and outreach more effectively. It also provides a depth of knowledge that can help you better segment out groups of donors, filter and report on specific giving campaigns or events, and provide the most accurate and relevant data to your organization's stakeholders.

To begin importing your data, click on the 'Imports' links on either the 'Contacts' or 'Giving' pages - or select the 'Settings' tab, then click on 'Imports'. To export your data, click the 'Select All' tab on a group of contacts or transactions and then select the fields you want to include in that export.

To learn more about the self-import process, what data to include in imports and exports, how to correct errors, how to export specific data, and how to get assistance pulling data from other historic locations, check out the collection of articles below.

Feature Availability

This feature is available for all users with access to the Fundraising Essentials package with "admin"- level admin access or higher within 'Donor Management'.

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