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Create your funnel strategy
Deep dive: How do I create a funnel strategy?
Deep dive: How do I create a funnel strategy?

Learn the basics to create a successful funnel marketing strategy and attract more leads.

Lisa avatar
Written by Lisa
Updated over a week ago

What you learn:

💡 A good funnel strategy can also be significant for recruiting. Our tip here is to take a look at everything about a strong value proposition.

1. Your Fast Lane: Video Academy "Your Funnel Marketing Strategy"

Take the shortcut and check out our most valuable tips and tricks for creating a successful funnel marketing strategy in the Perspective Academy in your account. 👇

Overview of all Perspective Academy Chapter 2 videos.

2. Why do I need a funnel marketing strategy?

Every customer journey is different, you are aware of that as a marketer. It depends on your product or service as well as on your target group. Not everyone fro whom your offer is generally interesting, is aware of this.

Take a look at the graphic below: Your target group is divided into people with different willingness to buy. Your funnel marketing strategy will help you break down your entire audience and build funnels that appeal to the right people in your target audience.

Graphic showing that your target group is divided into people with different willingness to buy.

3. Define your niche

💡 The #1 reason for failure in marketing is not targeting an exact audience.

Example: If an agency advertises "marketing for everyone", no one feels addressed. The effort to reach all kinds of people with all kinds of marketing services costs an extreme amount of money and brings in little. This agency stands for no special expertise or expertise in everything at the same time and so simply burns marketing budget.

However, you can brilliantly avoid this with a precise definition of your niche. But how do I know what my niche really is? We have compiled a detailed help article for you, which will help you to identify your niche.

4. Understand your target audience

The foundation of successful marketing is target group expertise, in other words, a precise understanding of the people you want to convert to your offer. Ideally, your goal is to understand your target audience better than they understand themselves, or better than your competitors do.

Here you can find a video with Leni from our academy on this topic. For more information on how to determine the right audience for your funnel, check out the help article here. 👇

5. Develop your positioning

Your positioning helps you to be perceived by your target group as a suitable partner or provider, through positioning you can differentiate your offer from the competition and achieve a unique position in the market. The positioning of your company or brand is therefore an important basis for your funnel marketing success. You can find out more about this in the Perspective Academy. 👇

Video "Develop your positioning" from the Perspective Funnels Academy.

So, once you are clear about your niche and your appropriate target audience, the next step is to develop a competitive advantage for your product or service. If you want to read more about how to properly position your funnel, we recommend this help article.

6. Creating a strong value proposition

Besides a simple and fast funnel software with beautiful design, a well-written, strong value proposition is the #1 success factor for a high-converting funnel. We can't stress that enough!

Here you can find a video with Leni from our academy on this topic. For more information on how to create a strong value proposition, check out this in-depth help article here. 👇

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