If your Daily Report, Housekeeping Report, Kitchen Report, Restaurant Report, or In-House Guest reports do not seem to be showing guest statuses properly, take these steps to determine the problem.
Check that every guest is properly checked in or checked out on Cloudbeds. If that is incorrect, Planniac will be incorrect. Planniac gets all its status information from Cloudbeds. After updating a guest record on Cloudbeds, it can take a minute for the change to appear on Planniac. You can also update a guest's information or refresh the Cloudbeds connection from within the Guests page.
Check your time zone settings. Settings > Business Information. If your timezone is set wrong, things may appear incorrectly.
Check that your account is still connected to Cloudbeds. Someone with Admin permissions can go to Settings and check the Cloudbeds connection status or reset the connection if necessary.
If all else fails, there may be a backend synchronization issue. Create a support ticket and we will treat the matter with urgency!