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How can I see my product performance metrics from multiple sales sources?
How can I see my product performance metrics from multiple sales sources?

This article details how you can use a Custom Dimension to map together your products, enabling you to see omni-channel product-level data.

Abby Garland avatar
Written by Abby Garland
Updated over 4 months ago

If you use an omni-channel sales approach with multiple e-Commerce sources (such as Shopify and Amazon) in Polar, you may be interested in seeing product-level data across each of those sources in order to gain insight into product performance. However, if your products are defined differently in Shopify versus Amazon, you may need to first map your products together using a Polar Custom Dimension. As long as you have some dimension (such as Product ID or SKU) that is consistent between the two sources, you'll be able to set up a Custom Dimension that maps your products together under one single name for easier reporting.

This analysis will enable you to gain more accurate, wholistic insight into your product performance across channels, and to make confident business decisions about which of your products are most popular among your customers.

Note: Keep in mind that you'll only need to use this approach if your Product Titles (or whatever dimension you'd like to use to break down your data) is inconsistent between the two sources.

How-To: View Omni-Channel Product-Level Data

Already have your SKU mapping logic for products saved in a spreadsheet? Our team can save you time by automating this process to combine SKUs.

Let our Support Team know via the in-app live chat if you'd like our team to automatically create a Custom Dimension for you in Polar.

Step 1. Launch the Custom Dimension builder.

The first step is to launch the Custom Dimension builder to create a dimension that will group your channels based on the logic that you dictate. You'll be able to use the dimension to both breakdown and filter your data.

You can launch the Custom Dimension builder here.

Step 2. Create "When" blocks to map products together.

You'll first need to identify which dimension remains consistent between your two sales sources.

For example, let's say you have a product that is actually called "Polar Bear Blanket", but in Shopify, it's called "PB Blanket", and in Amazon it's called "Blanket - Polar Bear". In this case, if you try and create a Custom Report by Product Title, the data from Shopify and Amazon will not match up. If the Product IDs are consistent between Shopify and Amazon, you could use this code to map together the two products. You could also do this by SKU if that dimension remains consistent between the two sources.

From there, add your rules into the "When" block, adding an "or" rule between both "When" statements:

  • When Product ID (from Shopify) is {enter product id}

  • OR

  • When Product ID (from Amazon) is {enter product id}

  • Then "{Enter Product Title}"

This visual shows an example of how you might set up this Custom Dimension using consistent Product IDs to map together products from Shopify and Amazon.

This visual shows an example of how you might set up this Custom Dimension using consistent SKUs to map together products from Shopify and Amazon.

Step 3. Name and save your dimension.

Once you've configured the correct rules within your Custom Dimension, ensure that you've given your Custom Dimension a name and save before closing.

Step 4. Apply your dimension.

From there, you can apply your custom Products dimension anywhere within the app. We recommend creating a Custom Report similar to the ones below, with Gross Sales from both Shopify and Amazon, broken down by your new product title dimension.

You can access your Custom Dimension as a breakdown within the breakdown list in a Custom Report, or anywhere in the app:

You can access your Custom Dimension as a filter within the filter list in a Custom Report, or anywhere in the app:

Step 5. If you need to edit your Custom Dimension to adjust your channel groupings, you can do so within your Custom Dimension list (which you can access from the Custom Report menu). See below for a visual of how to edit your Custom Dimensions.

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