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TRAC: PR & Comms - The Snapshot Overview
TRAC: PR & Comms - The Snapshot Overview

Learn more about the Snapshot Overview, your first stop in understanding data insights from media in your search.

Updated over 3 months ago

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the function of the Snapshot Overview page in TRAC.

  • Learn how the Snapshot Overview page presents sentiment, emotions, and credibility.

  • Learn how as a pr and comms professional you can use the Snapshot Overview page to evaluate the overall performance in your search.

What is the Snapshot Overview?

As the name suggests, the Snapshot Overview page on TRAC gives you a detailed summary of all the key insights into your search. This page helps you quickly understand what's trending, what the overall tone of the conversation is, who is driving the conversation, and where the conversation is taking place, be it online or geographically.

Key Performance Metrics

The first visual you see on the Snapshot page is the "Key Performance Metrics". This chart is important in helping you understand some of the most important metrics that sum up the topic you're analysing. The metrics are ordered differently depending on the use case you're viewing.

The Key Performance Metrics you'll see are:

  • Total Volume - The total number of media items in your dataset over the selected time frame. The Volume sums up original content plus any engagements, which can be reposts, comments and replies. Volume is important as it gives you a sense of the scale of the conversation.

  • Velocity Per Hour - This is the speed at which content is collected in a search. In this chart this metric is calculated per hour, in the selected time frame.

  • Average Visibility - This measures the impact of a piece of content. Our algorithm takes into account the type of content, the size of the audience of the author, and the number of people who engage with the content. In this chart, the Visibilty metric is presented as an average of all the content that has been over the selected time frame.

  • Media Reach - This metric comes from Similar Web's unique monthly visits. In this chart, this metric is the total sum of the media reach of all the sites and outlets in the selected time frame.

  • Media Impressions - Total number of monthly visitors across online outlets who have potentially been exposed to your brand's mentions through online news articles. Compare this with Media Reach to determine repeat visitors.

  • Social Impressions - The number of times a post has been displayed in a timeline, also refereed to as eyeballs, and this is whether the post is clicked on, or not. In this chart, this metric is the total sum of all the content impressions generated in the selected time frame.

  • Social Shares - The number of times that the news and online articles in your dataset have been shared across Facebook.

  • Total AVE - An indicative dollar figure to help understand the estimated return on investment of media items in your dataset.

πŸ’‘ Top Tip: Together with the visual indicator, the colour of the data in the Key Performance Metric will give you extra insight into whether the metric has gone up (green) or decreased (red), by comparing it the previous period.

πŸ“ˆ Example: The total volume (in green) shown above is 1.8M. There has been a 48.83% increase in content volume around this conversation compared to the previous period. This is a clear indicator that the scale of the conversation is trending upward!

Content Over Time

The "Content Over Time" chart lets you view how the conversation has changed over a specific period. You can toggle this chart to display alternate metrics and understand changes over time in Volume, Visibility, Media Reach, Media Impressions and AVE. The visual displays peaks and troughs that highlight the significant moments and lulls in coverage. By analysing the peaks and troughs, you can gain insights into when conversation generates the most coverage and when interest may be waning.

πŸ’‘ Top Tip: View the posts behind a particular conversation spike by selecting a point on the graph to open your Feed to view related media coverage.

Nature of Conversation

The "Nature of Conversation" chart allows you to gain a deeper insight into the tone of the conversation beyond volume. It dissects the discussion into Emotion, Sentiment, and Credibility analysis, providing a more profound understanding of the conversation.

  1. Emotions: The emotions dial uses our emotion analysis capabilities to help you gauge which emotions (joy, anger, sadness, disgust, and fear) are the most prevalent within your dataset.

  2. Sentiment Average: Visualise the average sentiment score to gauge whether the average sentiment of the media coverage in your dataset is Positive, Negative, or Neutral. The Sentiment Average is calculated as follows: (% of positive minus % of negative)/2. The percentages of positives, negatives, and neutrals are computed by taking the three totals and then converting them to percentages.

  3. Credibility: The Credibility dial helps you understand the overall credibility of the media coverage in your search and see if any potential misinformation is spreading through your content.

πŸ’‘ Top Tip: To utilise the emotion analysis, ensure it's enabled in your search setup. To find out how to enable emotional analysis, click here.

Top Data Sources

The Top Data Sources chart illustrates the distribution of data sources from where your search is collecting data. The size of each stream represents the proportion of content coming from the data source over a specified time range. You can analyze the split based on various metrics: Volume, Visibility, Social Impressions, Media Reach, Media Impressions, and AVE.

πŸ“Š Metric Insight: Use this chart to understand how the conversation evolved across different data sources by comparing increases in coverage volume from one data source to another.

Top Content

This chart allows you to identify and explore the top content in the conversation. You can use this visual to understand which content resonates with your audience, which is getting the highest engagement and what content is having the greatest impact.

When toggled by Engagements, this chart displays the top content ranked by content with the highest engagements. Engagements can be reposts, social shares, comments and replies.
When toggled by Likes, this chart displays the top content ranked by content with the highest number of likes.
When toggled by Visibility, this chart displays the top content ranked by content with the highest visibility score. Visibility measures the impact of a piece of content. Our algorithm takes into account the type of post, the source of the post, the size of the audience of the person posting that content, and the number of people who engage with the post.

When toggled by Media Reach, this chart displays the top content ranked by content published on outlets with the highest media reach. Media reach is derived from Similar web's unique monthly visits.
When toggled by Media Impressions, this chart displays the top content ranked by content published on outlets with the highest media impressions. Media impressions are derived from Similar web's total monthly visits.
When toggled by Social Impressions, this chart displays the top content ranked by content with the highest number of social impressions. Social Impressions are the number of times a post has been displayed in a timeline, whether the post is clicked or not, calculated by summing up total no. of followers + total engagements + total shares.
When toggled by AVE, this chart displays the top content in the selected time frame, grouped by posts with the highest AVE. AVE (Ad Value Equivalency) is an estimated Dollar ($) value indication helping you to understand the estimated return on investment attributed to a media item.

πŸ’‘ Top Tip: Top content is an excellent chart for quickly surfacing your key media coverage. The visual is entirely interactive, meaning you can access original media by selecting any displayed media items.

Trending in this Search

"Trending in this Search" presents a ist of the latest trending topics, individuals, and organisations in your search. This is done through our Topic and Entities analysis.

By exploring this information, you can gain a deeper understanding of the most significant aspects of your topic. This can assist you in identifying emerging trends, key players, and critical issues related to your search topic.

πŸ“Š Metric Insight: Here's what's being covered by trending Topics, People and Organisations

  • Topics refer to themes or subjects being discussed frequently, such as current events, breaking news, or viral trends.

  • People include individuals frequently discussed or mentioned in the conversation, such as politicians, celebrities, or other public figures.

  • Organisations refer to companies, non-profits, or other groups frequently mentioned in the conversation.

πŸ’‘ Top Tip: Trending in this Search is completely interactive. Select a trending topic to apply a filter to your dataset and view relevant insights.

Top Sites & Outlets

"Top Sites & Outlets" lets you see which publications are influencing and driving the conversation in your search. You can switch the view and identify top sites and outlets based on metrics; Volume, Media Reach, Social Impressions, Visibility, AVE, Credibility, and Media Impressions.

When toggled by Volume, this table lists the top websites and media outlets where your content is coming from, ranked by sites with the highest volume of content.
When toggled by Visibility, this table lists the top websites and media outlets where your content is coming from, ranked by sites with the highest visibility.
When toggled by Social Impressions, this table lists the top websites and media outlets where your content is coming from, ranked by sites that generate the highest social impressions.
When toggled by Media Reach, this table lists the top websites and media outlets where your content is coming from, ranked by sites with the highest media reach.
When toggled by Media Impressions, this table lists the top websites and media outlets where your content is coming from, ranked by sites that generate the highest media impressions.
When toggled by AVE, this table lists the top websites and media outlets where your content is coming from, ranked by sites that generate the highest AVE.

When toggled by Credibility, this table lists the top websites and media outlets where your content is coming from, ranked by sites with the highest credibility.

πŸ’‘Top Tip: Easily change which data sources you are viewing the top outlets for by using the options at the top of the chart. Filter and view top sites for Online, Broadcast, Print, or Social Networks individually, or apply All to view top outlets across all data sources.

Contributor Demographics

This chart offers a breakdown of the authors contributing to the conversation. It analyses various factors such as gender, language, geographical location, and interests based on their bios. By understanding the demographic breakdown of your authors, you can gain valuable insights into your audience, which can be useful in developing content that resonates with them.

Top Contributors

Top Contributors identifies the most active and influential contributors to the conversation. Using this chart, you can quickly identify the top contributors across different media types using the options to filter contributors across Online, Broadcast, Print, or Social Networks individually, or select All to view top contributors across all media types.

πŸ“Š Metric Insight: There are several ways to analyse your top contributors, including Volume, Media Reach, Visibility and Credibility.

  • Volume: This table shows the most influential people in the conversation based on the volume of content they generate.

  • Visibility: This table shows the most influential people in the conversation based on the visibility of their content..

  • Media Reach: This table shows the most influential people in the conversation whose content generates the highest media reach, based on the media reach of the outlets where they publish their content.

  • Media Impressions: This table shows the most influential people in the conversation whose content generates the highest media impressions, based on the media impressions of the outlets where they publish their content.

  • Social Impressions: This table shows the most influential people in the conversation whose content generates the highest social impressions.

Country Breakdown

This map shows the geographical location of the people contributing to the conversation. The map is broken down by country and in some instances, by state as well. The shading of each country (or state), represents the overall sentiment about the topic, in that location. The darker the shading, the stronger the sentiment. For example, a darker red represents very strong negativity.

πŸ“ Note: There is a table view of this visual. Modify your current display of the "Country Breakdown" and switch it to a list format instead.

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