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Personalize your content using tokens and custom senders
Personalize your content using tokens and custom senders

Create more engaging content with personalizations

Julianna Kapjian-Pitt avatar
Written by Julianna Kapjian-Pitt
Updated over 8 months ago


What is a token?

A token is a placeholder. It is replaced with a value, like an employee's name, when a Pyn gets delivered.

For example, let's say you want to send a message reminding everyone of an upcoming open enrollment seminar.

You could just say something like:

Hi everyone, our open enrollment seminar is at 10AM on Tuesday.

But this might not get their attention. Instead, you can create a message that looks like:

Hi @recipient.preferredName, our open enrollment seminar is at 10AM on Tuesday. We'll be covering changes and updates to our policies and have reserved time to answer any questions. If you'd like to submit a question to be asked and answered ahead of time please do so via the button below.

When you send this out to employees, the token you've used will add in the preferred name of the employee. We get this from your employee data.

Where can I use tokens?

You can use tokens anywhere in your Pyn message. This includes the subject line, short message, and messages in the read more and acknowledge add-ons.

How do I add a token?

Press the @ symbol when editing title or content of a message. You'll see a dropdown that offers you choices (e.g.,, or any of the other supported tokens).

Active tokens will have a different color text and highlight. This will allow you to distinguish between regular text, and the employee data placeholder that will pull information from your HRIS.

πŸ“ Note about using the Manager and Principal tokens

Manager name token

When a recipient does not have a manager, the token is replaced with Your manager. This requires you to think about the way you use this token!

So for example if the below message was sent to a recipient without a manager:

Your manager would like you to attend the monthly All Hands meeting.

The recipient would see:

Your manager Your manager would like you to attend the monthly All Hands meeting.

To fix this, write your message in this way instead: would like you to attend the monthly All Hands meeting.

Principal tokens

The token is for use primarily in messages that are a part of an automation. Automations are triggered by events that happen to an employee record in your HRIS system. Therefore, "Principal" refers to that employee that triggered the automation to happen.

Campaigns and Ad-Hoc Messages

If there is no principal present, as in the case of messages sent as a one off or are apart of a campaign, we suggest using or @recipient.preferredName. This will allow the employee name to be added for personalization.

What tokens are supported?

For a list of all the tokens you can use in your Pyn and what each of the tokens means, please see our list of supported tokens.

Sender Aliases

What are aliases?

By default, emails through Pyn are sent from and Slack messages are sent via the PynBot. You are able to authenticate your company domain to send messages from a work email or general email address that belongs to your company domain. You can also authenticate your Slack account to use your alias as a Slack Sender.

How do I add email Senders and create an email alias?

How do I add Slack Senders?

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