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Add and remove plans from an account

Assign and unassign plans without any troubles

Peter Nguyen avatar
Written by Peter Nguyen
Updated over a week ago

1. Add plans to accounts (to see how to remove plans, scroll down to 2. )

You've already created your plans, but you don't know what to do next? Start by assigning them to your accounts:

  • Go to 'Collaborate'

  • Select/Tick the accounts you want to link to a plan

  • Click 'Perform action on 'X' accounts'

  • Click 'Add/Remove plan(s)'

  • Select the option 'Add plan to account'

  • Select the plan(s) to link to the selected accounts

  • Confirm

  • Done! πŸŽ‰

Your plans will be linked to all selected accounts and will appear in all the periods as of today. These plans (even if active in the past) won't be visible in past reporting periods.

Adding multiple accounts to multiple plans is also possible. Just check the accounts you want to assign the plans to:

If you want to select all accounts on your current page at once, you simply click on the checkbox in the upper left corner next to "ACCOUNT NAME":

Pro tip: If you want to add plans to all your accounts at once, check this tip out:

  • In 'Collaborate,' scroll completely to the bottom

  • In the bottom left corner, you see '# accounts per page'

  • Change the box right next to it to '20', '50', '100' or '500'

  • Your view has changed: now you see all the accounts you want on one page!

  • Done! πŸ”₯

2. Remove plans from accounts

You want to start fresh with new plans and un-assign some plans from an account – easy! Follow these simple steps:

  • Select/Tick the accounts you want to remove a plan

  • Click 'Perform action on 'X' accounts'

  • Click 'Add/Remove plan(s)'

  • Select the option 'Remove plan from account'

  • Select the plan(s) to remove from the selected accounts

  • Tick the 'I understand...' box

  • Confirm

  • Done! πŸŽ‰

The plans that you selected will be removed from the accounts.

Please note that all data related to the removed plan(s) will be deleted from the account: this includes all objectives from the past, current and future periods + results in Measure linked to this plan.

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