Tester Programs

Learn more about tester programs and how they can help your development process

Ariane Vishendas avatar
Written by Ariane Vishendas
Updated over a week ago

What is a tester program?

Tester Programs give members early access to products before their official release, enabling them to provide feedback that helps enhance product quality. This process not only ensures products are well-tuned to customer expectations but also makes participants feel valued and integral to the development process. By involving customers directly, these programs foster a sense of ownership and contribution among participants, strengthening their connection to the brand.

What business objectives does a tester program achieve?

Enhance Product Quality

Gather actionable feedback to refine products, ensuring they meet customer needs and expectations. Identify potential issues and gather insights before a wide release, reducing the risk of market failure. Leverage early feedback to adjust marketing strategies and product features, enhancing the product's market fit and launch success.

Increase Customer Loyalty

Engaging customers deeply in the development process provides them with a sense of ownership and affinity over the product and brand. Tester programs demonstrate a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, improving brand perception and trust.


Test products are additional SKUs, opening up new revenue opportunities, including the opportunity to merchandise tester programs as a subscription based experience.


  • Survey engagement rates

  • Feedback quality

  • Customer lifetime value

These indicators help measure the success and impact of the tester program.

Which segment of your customer base is it for?

Customers who frequently interact with your brand, whether through purchases, social media engagement, or participation in previous feedback initiatives. These individuals are likely to be enthusiastic about testing new products and providing insightful feedback.

Consider inviting other stakeholders like influencers within your community and journalists/editors covering your market.

How to build a tester program on RareCircles

Step 1: Create your program on RareCircles

If you have a Shopify store, you can build your program using our Shopify app, the RareCircles Program Builder.

If you are not a Shopify merchant, you can instead choose to build your program directly through RareCircles (with payment processing powered by Stripe if paid). Learn more.

Step 2: Define the tests

Tell members what to expect as a participant. Clarify what kinds of products they will receive and at what frequency. Set expectations on feedback to ensure participants are aware of what is being requested of them and how the information will be used.

Consider hosting virtual AMAs or IRL events to further enhance the customer relationship.

Suggested Benefits Include

Member-Only Pricing
Offer exclusive pricing with a specific discount to incentivize purchases.

Exclusive Access to Products
Offer member only products like singlets, jerseys and merch with club branding.

Early Access to Sales and Drops
Allow members to access exclusive sales before anyone else. Reward members with first access to newly stocked products.

Step 3: Promote your membership

Add your tester program to your website, or if its a more intimate program, invite participants via email. Consider, creating a bespoke landing page to showcase your program to offer a more branded experience for prospective members.

Drive contacts to your landing page by incorporating invite links into your marketing emails. See how to automate this process via our integration with Klaviyo or Zapier.

Convert your social media audience into members by linking to your landing page in your social media bio(s).

You can also turn any activation (gift card, exclusive products, early access) into an opportunity to attract members. Learn more.

Keys to a successful tester program

1. Effective Selection
Choose participants who are engaged and representative of your target market. Their feedback is more likely to be insightful and actionable.

Consider participants within the context of your goals and objectives:

  • If you're focused on optimizing the product, then invite customers who are highly engaged or otherwise qualified.

  • If you're focused on generating revenue and awareness, select participants based on customer spend and size of audience (socials, readership, celebrity).

  • If you're focused on building strong relationships, then prioritize your most loyal customers.

2. Clear Communication
Maintain open lines of communication about what is expected from testers, how to provide feedback, and the timeline of the testing phase.

Some strategies to consider:

3. Actionable Feedback Loop

It is important to actively incorporate feedback into your product iterations. This demonstrates respect for your customers time and opinion and will ultimately lead to the best product (if its good feedback!). Highlight aspects of the iterative process on your social media channels to maximize the value of the program and communicate your commitment to quality to consumers.

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