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Phone Status Overview

How to use Phone Statuses to track Correct, Wrong, No Answer, DNC and Dead numbers

Kylie avatar
Written by Kylie
Updated this week

In this article we explain how to best utilize our Phone Status feature.

What Are Phone Statuses?

Phone statuses allow you to track which phone numbers are Correct, Wrong, No Answer, DNC or Dead. Knowing the status of the phone number helps you to quickly follow up with leads, since you’ll know which phone number is correct and saves you time so you don’t continue to call and attempt to market to wrong and dead numbers.

Phone statuses are located within a record next to the phone numbers. The icons indicate if a phone number has Correct, Wrong, No Answer, DNC, or Dead status.

For DNC, you can update as Correct DNC, Wrong DNC, or Unknown Owner DNC.

Correct DNC should be used if the person you are speaking with confirms they are the owner and requests not to be contacted. This will update the phone status to both Correct and DNC.

Wrong DNC should be used if the person you are speaking with states they are not the owner and requests not to be contacted. This will update the phone status to both Wrong and DNC.

Unknown Owner DNC should be used if the person you are speaking with does not confirm if they are the owner or if it is a wrong number. This will update the phone status to DNC only.

How to Update Phone Statuses

Phone Statuses can be updated manually from within a record, on upload, or through our integrations.

Updating Phone Statuses Manually

To update a phone status manually, simply click the icon of the status you want to update.

Updating Phone Statuses on Upload

To update on upload, include phone status columns in your csv and map this section to the phone status field on upload.

The phone statuses we accept on upload are listed below. Phone statuses added on upload are not case sensitive






  • DEAD


  • DNC

Need more help with uploading? Check out our Uploading Data articles.

Updating Phone Statuses through Integrations

Phone statuses can be updated through Zapier or our direct integrations. Business plan customers have access to inbound integrations from Calltools and Readymode, which allows you to update your data in real time without the use of Zapier. All account plans have Zapier access.

To update phone statuses through Zapier, select the select the newest version of Zapier. Looking for more information about Zapier? Check out our Zapier Integration article in the Help Center.

To update phone statuses through our direct integration with Calltools or Readymode, include the phone status you want to update within the connector. Phone statuses updated through direct integrations are case sensitive.

Note: Calltools and Readymode will set up this integration for our customers on the Business plan. For more information on integrations and how they work, please visit the Integration section of our Help Center.

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