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Pre-onboarding checklist

Learn how to prepare Autotask for using Salesbuildr

Updated over a week ago

We are looking forward to getting you up and running with Salesbuildr as quickly as possible. Before we start the onboarding process there are a couple of things that we would need to ensure a smooth start for you.


1. Launch your instance

If you haven't done so already, please follow this link to launch your Salesbuildr instance and make sure you sign up using your Microsoft or Google SSO business account. We will be notified when your instance is coming online.

2. Send your existing proposal templates

Please send a default quote or proposal template of example document to so we can convert them into Salesbuildr templates as part of your onboarding and training package.

3. Request your distributor credentials

See this page for instructions on how to obtain credentials for your customer specific distributor pricing and availability feeds. Salesbuildr will use these to automatically fetch pricing, product information and availability.

Once you receive the needed data go into your instance, navigate to: Admin -> Distributors -> Connections. And add the data to the fields. If you get an error please follow the steps that are prompted or contact

4. Preparing your environment

Salesbuildr has native support for Autotask, Connectwise Manage and Microsoft Dynamics Sales. Please choose which one you want to connect and follow the steps accordingly.

  • Autotask PSA

    Go this page for detailed instructions on how to setup your API member for Salesbuildr

  • Connectwise Manage

    Go this page for detailed instructions on how to setup your API member for Salesbuildr

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365

    Go this page for detailed instructions on how to enable the Microsoft 365 Connector.

5. Configure your email domain

Salesbuildr uses the Sendgrid infrastructure to send emails on your behalf. Navigate to Admin, Configuration, Email. in order to view the required DNS records and values that you will need to add to your DNS and verify. Then configure the default "from" address, and validate the setup in the Email Configuration section.

You can verify multiple email domains to enable sending proposals from different company email addresses. The related email address of the logged in user will be used as the FROM address by Salesbuildr.

6. Setting up your subdomain

If you have an advanced or higher subscription, you can choose your own subdomain ( We'll provision your Salesbuildr instance, including an SSL certificate. Add a CNAME record in your DNS, point it to provide us with your chosen subdomain information in the support chat.

7. Watch the training video

Watch this video on YouTube to learn the benefits of Salesbuildr and how everything works. The video contains chapters to all relevant functions to make it easy for you to jump back and forth between highlights.

8. Book in your onboarding call

Once we received your credentials, templates and at least the details for one distributor, we can start the onboarding. To get you up and running we are going to need two sessions, please use this link to book in the first session (30 min).

Additional info


We understand that security is of the highest priority for you. To address questions and concerns, we have written a security statement. Please review this before you start to get up to date about our security measures and reach out to us if you need more information.

Understand how data is synchronised

After enabling the integration with your PSA, Salesbuildr will perform an initial syncronisation of internal users, companies, contacts, products, services and labour. The table below shows the entitities that will be linked between Salesbuildr and your PSA in order to synchonise the required information.

NOTE: Salesbuildr will never delete data in your PSA. While you can use Salesbuildr to set products and services to inactive, they can always be set to active again with the click of a button.

If you are currently using a quoting tool, rest assurered that you can evaluate and use Salesbuildr alongside it without disrupting your existing workflow.

Salesbuildr Entity


PSA Entity


Salesbuildr can read from your PSA


Companies, including User Defined Fields

Salesbuildr can read, create and update



Salesbuildr can read, create and update



Salesbuildr can read, create and update



Salesbuildr can read, create and update



Salesbuildr can read from your PSA



Salesbuildr can read, create and update



Salesbuildr can create



(coming soon)

Salesbuildr can read, create and update


Purchase orders

(coming soon)

Salesbuildr can read, create and update


Salesbuildr can create companies and contacts in your PSA and use our integration to automatically fetch information. Please read this article to learn how this works.

Opportuinties you create in your PSA will be syncronised to Salesbuildr so you can create quotes that are then linked to the opportunity. Salesbuildr can create, but does not syncronise quotes from your PSA.

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