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Adding attachments
Updated over a year ago

How can I add an attachment to a transaction that does not require signing? 

Signhost offers various options for sending documents as part of transactions. However, it is not possible to attach a document to a transaction that does not require signing. 

See below for a list of options for sending documents (such as general terms and conditions) to your clients.

  • Attach the document to the transaction for signing
    Although it may not be necessary to sign the document, having it signed could offer benefits to both parties. If it is included in the transaction as a separate document, the signer also indicates their agreement with the additional document. General terms and conditions can be added, for example, making it clear exactly which conditions the signer agreed to and when, eliminating any possible speculation..

  • Merging the documents together
    An alternative to point 1 above is to merge the document to be attached with the document to be signed, turning two PDF documents into one. Be sure to make this fact clear to the signer! Send the signing link and attachment from your own e-mail program.

  • Lastly, the ‘signing on premise’ option can be used to access the signing link (URL) and send it using your own e-mail program.
    This method also preserves your company's own e-mail settings, such as footers, logos and the e-mail signature. This method allows an e-mail with an invitation to sign to include an attachment that itself does not require signing.

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