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Branding page
Updated over a week ago

Branding is about changing the style elements in certain sections. This gives signers more confidence in the transaction they are presented with since the colors and logos of your own organization are displayed instead of the default Signhost design. In this article you find images for before and after branding has been applied.


When preparing a transaction, the current available option is to send default e-mails containing a signing link, information, and the signed documents. The colors in this e-mail can be customised, and a logo added..

Figure 1 – Default formatting of Signhost e-mails.

Figure 2 – Sample e-mail after custom branding has been applied.

The signing screen

When signers click the link in the e-mail they are taken to the signing screen. This formatting can also be modified to display your organization's own color scheme and logos during the signing process. See below for a comparison between default branding and custom branding.

Figure 3 – The default Signhost signing screen

Figure 4 – Sample signing screen after custom branding has been applied

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