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All CollectionsLoanapp Application
Loanapp application Overview
Loanapp application Overview

The article describes the general application workflow and functionality of Loanapp

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over 6 months ago

Loanapp is an electronic mortgage application interface that Lenders will make available to you to create and submit Mortgage Applications for assessment and approval.

  • Loanapp is configurable - Lenders will configure it to match their lodgement criteria. You can use Loanapp to:

    • capture all the data the Lender needs to process an application;

    • request a particular Loan Product from the Lender;

    • check your application passes the Lender serviceability;

    • generate any Lender Application Forms;

    • and submit Supporting Docs.

  • Backchannel messages (assessment statuses) from the Lender will also be sent back to you via Loanapp.

The Loanapp interface will present to you:

Your Lender might also build third-party digital services into their Loanapp experience, to make things easier for you and your applicants. Including digital services will be up to the Lender. For more information on digital services that a lender might include, click here.

You can access Loanapp from within your Aggregator CRM, or directly - this will depend on the Lender and your relationship with them.

How to use Loanapp

Note: If you are launching Loanapp from your Aggregator CRM, you will not need to 'start a new application' - this will happen automatically when you launch Loanapp from your CRM to create and auto-populate your application.

Start a new application

To start a new application, click New in the right of the top menu ribbon.

This will establish a new Loanapp record.

Note that your Lender might have more than one Loanapp journey. If they do, when you click "New" you will be able to choose which journey you want to launch.

The Loanapp application is broken up into a number of sections. Keep in mind that the configuration of each section is up to the lender - Loanapps across lenders won't be exactly the same. This article will go through a 'typical' configuration.

The Setup section

The first Setup page collects all the data that establishes this application as a new record.

Setup - Application

  • The Application > Details section captures details that define the unique identifiers of this application record, such as the Application reference number, your own Loan Writer details, Aggregator reference numbers.

  • It also allows you to set a Title for the application - which is good to establish as it can be used in search and filtering activities.

  • The Setup section is also where we capture other defining items such as loan Amount and Expected settlement date for this application; as well as setting an Urgent flag.

Note the Setup can also have application "Attributes" which allow the Lender to build 'conditional' application logic for each Attribute. These Attributes are the Yes/No toggles in the Setup, and they will change configuration for the rest of Loanapp. For more information on Attributes, click here.

Setup - Manage participants

In this section, you set the participants to the application, which will at a minimum be you, the broker/administrator; and your applicants.

  • A participant is anyone who will have access to this application record, with either View only or Edit access; and anyone who can participate in Info requests on this application.

  • When you first create the new application record, you will automatically be set as a participant.

In the Application management section, you might add other parties like your Loan Admin staff; or even your Lender BDM.

Next, you will want to create your applicants for this application:

When you click Add, you will get a popup that will allow you to select what type of applicant you are adding to the record (types will depend on lender configuration and policy).

Continue to add applicants as you need to. The maximum number of applicants allowed on a record will depend on lender configuration and policy.

You will note as you add applicants, they will also be added to the side panel menu.

Note that many lenders will have "Okay to receive Info Requests" configured for each new applicant. Ticking this means that your applicants can be invited to upload supporting documents via a secure portal. For more detail on Info Requests, click here.

Setup - Correspondence

In the final Setup section, you are able to nominate who/how your applicants would like to receive correspondence such as the Loan Contracts; and statements etc throughout the life of the loan:

Navigating and general functionality

Once you have established the application record (completed the Setup), you can then navigate throughout the application sections by clicking on the navigator buttons on the top or bottom of sections; or by clicking on any of the items on the side panel menu.

Each section of data is collapsible/expandable by clicking on the arrow on the right of a section.

You can delete record items by clicking on the trash can on the right of a record.

The Applicants Section

The Applicants section is where you capture all of the applicant's personal details.

Applicants - Household & family

In this section you capture the make-up of the applicant's household - number of adults, children, marital status etc. The Household makeup is important, as it is used to calculate the Lender HEM, and may have an impact on serviceability.

Note: you can have more than one (1) household, if required.

Applicants - Person applicant

In this section you capture all of the personal applicant details for each of your applicants such as Personal details, Contact details, Residency and Employment.

The exact configuration of the data set will depend on the lender.

Some sections of the data capture which capture larger amounts of data will require that you add records to the section. An example is Employment, where you will Add a new Employment record.

Which will allow you to select the type of employment:

And then you will be able to complete the Employment income details record:

Where Records are established, they will then appear on your main screen as a Record that can be re-opened at any time:

Applicants - Company or Trust applicant

The Applicants areas for a Company or Trust applicant will capture all the relevant detail about these types of applicants such as Company details, Business details, Contact person, Contact details and details about related persons such as Directors, Shareholders, Trustees, Beneficial owners etc.

The Financial position area

The Financial position area will capture the Assets, Liabilities, Income, and Living expenses of the applicants.

You will note that every item that you add to the Financial Position will need ownership allocated amongst your applicants.

Financial position - Finances

In this section, you are able to set the applicants who belong to a Statement of position.

Here you can set a married couple to be on the same Statement of position, or perhaps a brother and sister to be on separate Statements of position.

This section is where you can also note the known/anticipated Credit status of the applicants; and if needed, note any known Credit issues.

Financial position - Assets

In this section, you are able to capture all the Assets owned by the applicants, such as properties, savings and other assets.

This section also has a total asset value or total pool.

Financial position - Liabilities

In this section, you are able to capture all the liabilities currently owned by the applicants, such as mortgages, credit cards, personal and other loans.

Note: if you have added a property in the Assets section, you may already have captured a related home loan in that section, and it will already be populated into this section. You are able to edit that original record; and also add new records.

Depending on Lender configuration, this section will also have a total repayments per month value, or an Outstanding Balance (total of liabilities) value.

If the lender has Access Seeker configured in their Loanapp, the liabilities section may also show identified liabilities on the applicant's credit file:

Financial position - Income

In this section, you are able to capture all the income for the applicants.

Note: Employment income will have already been completed in the Applicants section and will therefore be already populated in this section.

In the Income section, you are able to edit the original Employment income record.

You can also add new records in Employment, Rental and Other income subsections.

Note: this section also shows a total per month income value (Net or Gross).

Financial position - Expenses

In the Expenses section, you are able to capture all the household living expenses for the applicants, in categories that will have been defined by the lender.

This section also has a total per month living expense value.

Note: if the lender has open banking/bankstatements incorporated in their workflow, they may configure so that you can capture both declared, and digital data.

Financial position - Company applicants

A similar section is created for all Company Applicants to capture Company income, and any Assets and Liabilities owned by the Company:

The Loan & Serviceability Section

When you have completed creating the detail of all the applicants, and their Financial Position; you can move on to the Loan and Serviceability Sections.

Loan & Serviceability - Security details

If your application is a Refinance, the Security Property section will already be completed as the property will have come across from the Financial Position.

If the Application is for a Purchase property, you are able to ADD the details of any new property that is being purchased:

Loan & Serviceability - Loan Requirements

You are then able to capture the detail of the Loan you are applying for. Depending on the Lender configuration, you will be able to create split loans; capture borrowing purpose and any negative gearing; define repayment type, interest type, loan term, features; and select the desired loan:

Loanapp has Product filtering logic built in - the data you enter in your application will be used by Loanapp to filter down the lender's products to the most suitable products.

Loan & Serviceability - Fees

Any fees configured in your Lender's products engine will automatically populate into the Fees section, which you can then review and even choose to capitalise:

Loan & Serviceability - Deposits & Contributions

You are then able to capture the detail of any deposits paid, and other contributions that will be used in the funds to complete:

Loan & Serviceability - Serviceability Outcome

When you have completed the Loan section, Loanapp will have the data it needs to generate a serviceability outcome. Note that if you edit any of the application data the Serviceability will recalculate instantly, based on that new data:

The Compliance Section

The Compliance section is where a lender will configure to capture Compliance related details for the Application. Note that this section is configurable by the lender - the sections and questions may differ across lenders, so read through them carefully.

Compliance - Interview

Here you will capture detail of where the Application interview was held, who was present, and if all Applicants understand and will benefit from the loan:

Compliance - Retirement

Here you will capture detail of the intended Retirement plans of the applicants, and how, if the loan will still be in affect when they retire, they plan to pay out or continue to service the loan:

Compliance - Loan Preferences

Here you will capture detail of the Product Feature and Repayment preferences of the applicants, and confirm any risks with preferences or choices have been discussed and are understood:

Compliance - Comments

Here you will capture detail of any Conflicts or any other requirements of the applicants that would affect suitability of the proposed loan structure, and some commentary about how the loan was selected:

Compliance - Application notes and broker attestation

Here you will capture your application notes in an expandable notes section; and also attest that all relevant Fees and Charges have been disclosed to the Applicants:

Compliance - Signficant Changes (and Mitigants)

Here you will capture any detail of known significant changes that may impact the Applicant's ability to make repayments; and then planned mitigants for these changes:

The Summary & submit section

Summary & submit - Summary

Here a summary of the whole application is presented for review. You can click back to any section to edit that detail by clicking the Edit button for that section:

Summary & Submit - Documents

The Documents section is where you can generate any Print Forms that the Lender has configured to be available for auto-generation and download, as part of your submission:

The exact documents made available will depend on Lender configuration, and also your specific application characteristics (eg you will only get a Rate Lock Form where you have nominated you would like to lock the rate).

If a Lender allows digital signatures of these forms, you are able to trigger eSign from this section once you have generated your forms:

Summary & Submit - Lodgement

The Lodgement section is where you can:

Lender Validation Logic

As a final note, a Lender may configure Validation Logic (credit policy) that will be applied to the application data that you enter. This may result in banners across the top of the page; or banners in the submit workflow, that tell you what validation logic (credit policy) has not been satisfied.

Validation in the application workflow

Here is an example of validation at the top of a page while you are completing the application:

You are able to click on these types of messages, and you will be taken back to the application section that needs to be worked on.

Note that some lender logic will be set so that you can override the rule (depends on the lender configuration).

Validation in the submit workflow

The validation in the submit workflow checks the entire application to make sure you have completed all the mandatory fields that your lender requires, in order to get a successful data submission into their loan origination system. If there is anything missing in your application, the validation error will be triggered when you try to Proceed (submit your loan).

When you see this message, click on the section named in the error; and you will be taken back to that section to review and finalise the data.

What's next?

When you have finished and submitted your application, you will now be able to:

  • log in to the Lender's application Portal to see all your Loanapp applications in one place

  • check the application status

  • receive and review any Missing Information Requests posted by the lender

  • send Info Requests to the Applicants

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