Suggested Posts

How to, as a SocioCommand User, suggest a post for Local users to schedule or edit for their own use.

Daniel Malone avatar
Written by Daniel Malone
Updated over a week ago

Suggesting Posts allows you to provide optional content or the building blocks of content for Local users to schedule as is, or edit the post to make it more bespoke to their specific location.

Creating a Suggested Post:

  1. To suggest a post, we first need to create a post. This can either be a single post for a location page or a batch post to a group of locations.

  2. Start creating a post by clicking "Create Post" and go through creating your post as normal.

  3. While still in the Create a Post window, in the Channels section, is an option to 'Create as Suggested Post' to the right of our Channel List.

  4. Clicking this option will "suggest" our post instead of scheduling the post to all the channels we have selected.

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