If your Instagram account keeps disconnecting every time you try to post to your Instagram account with the following error message "App does not have permissions for this action" it means that when you connected your Instagram account, you did not give SocioLocal permissions to create posts for your Instagram account.
However, it should only take a few minutes to reset your permissions by following the steps below.
On a computer, go to www.socioconnect.io and log in using your usual SocioLocal login details. It helps if you've already logged into Facebook on this computer as well.
Go to the Channels Tab on the left-hand menu. Here you should see you connected channels that you linked on mobile.
Here you should see your Instagram account listed. Regardless of if it's currently listed as connected/disconnected, click the green arrow to attempt to reconnect it.
A pop-up window will appear redirecting you to Facebook, showing the Facebook account you're logged in as. If you aren't logged into Facebook, do so now. Click "Continue"
On the next page, the pop-up should read: "What Instagram Professional Accounts do you want to use with Socio Local?" Make sure "Select All" is ticked and click "Next".
On the next page, it will ask you: "What pages do you want to use with SocioLocal?" as before, make sure "Select All" is ticked and click "Next"
On the next screen, "What is Socio Local allowed to do?" Make sure all the options beneath are ticked to "YES". If any of these are turned off, SocioLocal may not work properly, as per the warning in the screenshot provided.
Once you've confirmed all the permissions are set to "YES", click "done"
The pop-up should close and back on Socio Connect, you should see your store's page available to connect/reconnect. Select it and click "connect" or "reconnect".
With that, you have reenabled all permissions for SocioLocal. To ensure it is working correctly, we advice attempting to create an Instagram post to see if it posts from SocioLocal to your Instagram account.
If you're still having issues with your Instagram account disconnecting and posts failing, please contact our support team for further assistance.