A complete refund is a refund of all products and delivery costs.
A complete refund can be processed before an order has been processed or after it has been delivered.
Step 1
Locate the order you want to refund and press the three dots in the top right corner
Step 2
Press "Refund Order"
Step 3
Press "Complete Refund"
Step 4
Press "Proceed to Next Step"
Step 5
Select the reason for the return
Step 6
Press "Add Order Notes"
Step 7
Add any notes if necessary
Step 8
Press Confirm Refund Details
Step 9
Confirm the refund details and press "Finalise Refund"
Note: If the order has already been sent to the customer and you need to generate a return label, your relevant Head Office representative will be able to do this via the Australia Post Merchant Portal.
Follow the steps here: https://sparrowhub.frontkb.com/en/articles/643457
Step 10
Press "Yes, I'm Sure" to finalise the refund
Step 11
The order will now be visible in Closed Orders > Refunded Orders