Step 1
Go to ‘Sales’ in the left-hand side menu
Step 2
Select ‘Orders’ to see a complete list of orders from the website
Step 3
Go to the order you want to refund and select ‘View’
Step 4
Select ‘Invoices’ on the left-hand side of the order
Step 5
Select ‘View’ to open up the invoice for this order
Step 6
Once the invoice has been opened, press the ‘Credit Memo’ button
Note: Within Magento, credit memo refers to refunds
Important: You must create a ‘Credit Memo’ from within the order invoice.
Step 7
This will open up a ‘New Credit Memo' for the order. Select the checkbox to return the item to stock
Step 8
Select the items you want to refund
Note: By default, all items in the order are set to refund. If there are multiple items in the order, you have the ability to only refund particular items by changing the ‘Qty to Refund’ input.
Step 9
You will have the option to write a short note that will be sent to the customer
Note: You can use the below text as a guideline.
Hi [name],
Thank you for your order! Unfortunately, we are currently out of stock for the following items:
[Item and quantity]
We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused. Please keep an eye out on the website as this item may come back in stock in the near future.
-The [Pharmacy Name] Team
Step 10
Select both checkboxes to email a copy of the refund memo with your comment to the customer
Note: The ‘Append Comments’ checkbox will only become active once the ‘Email Copy of Credit Memo’ has been selected.
Step 11
Press the ‘Refund’ button in the bottom-right corner
Step 12
The order has now been successfully refunded