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Informal Event Page
Updated over a week ago

The Informal Events page provides a snapshot view of an Informal Event and includes the start date, end date, location, attendees etc.

What are Informal Events?

Informal Events are events (appointments) scheduled within an Informal Series.

Edit an Informal Event

To edit the Informal Event click the edit button located in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Once clicked you will be able to edit the items in the screenshot below.

Delete an Informal Event

For more information on deleting an Informal Event click here.

Notes Tab

To add notes to an Informal Event select the Notes tab located at the top of the page, then click edit. Here you can enter any notes that are relevant to the Informal Event.

Messages Tab

For more information on how to send messages from the Informal Event click here.

Reschedule an Informal Event

To reschedule an Informal Event click here.

Attendees Section

The Attendees section is a list of everyone who is attending the Informal Event. It is possible to remove attendees by clicking the minus (-) icon located next to the applicable attendee.

You can also add Workers, Resources, Individuals and Blue Book Contacts to the Informal Event. You can do this by clicking the applicable link located in the Attendees section.

It is also possible to mark the attendance by clicking the Record Attendance link. A red dot next to the attendee’s name indicates that they either did not attend or their attendance has not been marked and a green dot indicates that they attended.

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