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Booking a Service Event
Updated over a year ago

Service Events are similar to appointments and can be used to keep track of both contact and non-contact time. There are two ways to book a Service Event.

As a Worker on a Service File, you can access the Book Event screen directly from the My Case Load section. If you are not a Worker or cannot access your My Case Load it is also possible to access the Book Event screen from the Service File.

On your My Home page in the My Case Load section click the plus (+) icon next to the Case Name (and appropriate Service File), this will take you directly to the Book Event screen in the Individual’s Service File.

Alternatively, open the Individual’s Service File and client Book New.


Group events are not booked in this way. These can be booked by visiting the Group Series page and booking new events there. See our Book A New Group Event tutorial for more information.

How to Book a Service Event

Once on the Book Event page follow Steps 1-10 (where applicable – not all steps may be required) below to book a single or repeating Service Event.

Step 1: View Availability

Complete any (or all) of these steps in the View By section to modify which days and/or times are included in the schedule.

  1. To choose a starting date for the schedule, enter a date in the Start Date field. You can type a date or click select date to select from the calendar. The schedule will start from the selected date.

  2. To change the default Event Site, select the new Event Site from the drop-down menu. The schedule will only show availability for this site.

  3. To choose a specific day of the week to display in the schedule, select the day of the week from the Specific Day of Week drop-down. The schedule will only show the chosen day of the week.

  4. To modify the number of Days to View shown in the schedule, edit the Days to View field either by typing a number or using the arrows. The default is set by your System Administrator.

  5. To modify the number of Hours shown in the schedule edit the Hours field either by typing a number or using the arrows. The default is set by your System Administrator.

  6. Click View. The schedule will update accordingly.

  7. Repeat Steps 1-6 if required.

Step 2: Add Attendees

Complete some or all of these steps to add additional Attendees to your event.

  1. On the Attendees tab type a name into the desired field.

    • To add a staff member use the Worker field.

    • To add a client use the Individual field.

    • To add a Collateral Contact use the Collateral field.

    • To add a Blue Book contact use the Blue Book field.

    • To add a group of Workers use the Categories field.

  2. Click the plus (+) icon to save.

  3. Repeat Steps 1-2 as required.

The Worker, Individual and Blue Book options are lookup fields. Type two or more characters to bring up matching records from the database.

Step 3: Select the Start Time

  1. Select the Event Details tab.

  2. Complete one of the following:

    • Type a Start Time in the Start Time field

    • Click the desired time on the schedule

Step 4: Set the Duration

  1. Select the Event Details tab.

  2. Complete one of the following:

    • In the Duration field type a duration (this can be in minutes, hours or a combination of both e.g. 30m or 2h or 2h30m).

    • Adjust the Duration slider.

NOTE: When booking an all day Event, the start time will default to 12am on the booking day and then end time will default to 12am the following day when either "24h" or "All Day" are typed into the Duration field, or if the slider is moved all the way to the right side.

If the Event that a user is booking should not carry over to 12am the following day, or the 12am-12am default is otherwise not suitable, it's suggested to set an appropriate start time and then enter "23h 59m" manually in the Duration field.

Step 5: Description, Event Type, Location etc

Penelope and above – It is now possible to add a video link to an event (e.g. Service Event, Group Event, Indirect Event or Informal Event) in Penelope. This option is only available if the Worker is Accepting Video Session In ClientConnect (Worker Profile > Clinical tab). This functionality will allow your agency to easily add a video link instead of a location (helping to avoid confusion) for sessions taking place using a video conferencing tool.

  1. Enter a Description.

  2. Select an Event Type.

  3. Choose/Enter a Location. If the event will be conducted via video call, the Video Session Link should be copied and pasted into the Video Session Link field.

  4. Add a maximum 2 Service Unit/s if applicable. Important: If using Penelope please ensure you click Add after selecting the Service Unit.

Important Information

It is possible to add more than 2 Service Units if using Penelope or above. When adding Service Units please ensure you click Add after each Service Unit to ensure it is saved and added to the Cart.

It is also possible to add Service Units once the Service Event has been booked. For more information on adding a Service Unit to the Cart click here.

Step 6: Add Resources

  1. Click View Resources.

  2. Select the desired Resource by selecting the corresponding Service Event time in the schedule.

Step 7: Add Repeating Events

Complete this step only if you want to book multiple events at one time (e.g. the Service Events will have the start time, duration, Service Units etc.

  1. Click Repeat.

  2. Select how often the event repeats (daily, weekly, weekdays etc) and the number of events or the end date.

Step 8: Non-Scheduled

Before booking the Service Event, you have the option to book the Service Event as Non-Scheduled. This can be done by checking the tick box located next to the Book button.

If a Service Event is booked as non-scheduled the event’s attendance will automatically be marked as ‘Show’ and the status cannot be edited or changed.

You may want to book a non-scheduled Service Event if the event has already occurred or was unexpected. Please note that non-scheduled Service Events do not appear in the Workers Calendar or Master Schedule.

Step 9: Booking

Once Steps 1-8 (where applicable) have been completed, click the Book button to finalize the booking of the Service Event/s.

If any conflicts occur a warning message will appear before completing the booking/s.

Double Booking Conversation

Penelope version and above – When an event booking conflict occurs in Penelope it is now possible to initiate a Conversation with the affected Worker/s from the conflict dialogue box. This feature is available when booking all types of events in Penelope and the process is the same for all event types.

It is important to note that this option will only appear under very specific circumstances; for example when two (2) Workers are booking the same bookable item at exactly the same time (e.g. a Resource, Worker or Blue Book item or Individual). If it is a normal conflict (e.g. not caused by the above scenario) then the usual conflict resolution screen will still appear.

The warning below will be displayed to warn you of the double booking.

If you click continue you will be taken to your calendar (see image below) to create a new Conversation with the Worker/s involved in the double booking. If you click dismiss the event/s will still be booked but you will not have the option to start a Conversation.

Printing a Service Event

The easiest way to print your Service Event details is to use the Event Details Report click here for more information.

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