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Adding Referrals
Updated over a week ago

Inbound, Outbound (Internal) and Outbound (External) referrals can be added to a Case, Service File, Service Event, Anonymous Service and Informal Series. It is also possible to add an Inbound referral when using the Intake Wizard (depending on configuration).

DSS referrals can only be added to a Service Event and will automatically be submitted to DSS once completed.

Types of Referrals

There are three different types of referrals in Penelope:

  1. Inbound: A referral to your agency from another organization.

  2. Outbound (External): A referral from your agency to another organization.

  3. Outbound (Internal): A referral to another service within your agency using the Pre-Enrollment List (if selected when adding the referral).

Adding an Outbound (External) Referral

  1. Navigate to the Referral tab on the right-hand side of the entity (e.g. Case, Service File, Service Event etc) you wish to add the referral to.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select Outbound (external) for Referral Direction and then complete the remaining fields where applicable. When adding Contacts ensure you click the plus (+) icon to save the contact. Field information can be found below.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Complete the required Referral Entry fields. Field information can be found below.

  6. Click Finish.

You will now be taken to the Referral Entry page. Once completed the referral will be available in the Referrals tab on the right-hand side of the entity (Case, Service File, Service Event etc).

Adding an Outbound (Internal) Referral

  1. Navigate to the Referral tab on the right-hand side of the entity (e.g. Case, Service File, Service Event etc) you wish to add the referral to.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select Outbound (internal) for Referral Direction and then complete the remaining fields where applicable. Field information can be found below.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Complete the required Referral Entry fields. Field information can be found below.

  6. Click Finish.

You will now be taken to the Referral Entry page. Once completed the referral will also be available in the Referrals tab on the right-hand side of the entity (Case, Service File, Service Event etc).

Adding an Inbound Referral

  1. Navigate to the Referral tab on the right-hand side of the entity (e.g. Case, Service File, Service Event etc) you wish to add the referral to.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select Inbound for Referral Direction and then complete the remaining fields where applicable. When adding Contacts ensure you click the plus (+) icon to save the contact. Field information can be found below.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Complete the required Referral Entry fields. Field information can be found below.

  6. Click Finish.

You will now be taken to the Referral Entry page. Once completed the referral will also be available in the Referrals tab on the right-hand side of the entity (Case, Service File, Service Event etc).

Field Information

Referral Information

Referral Type – Inbound, Outbound (Internal) and (Outbound External).

Type – This refers to the entity making the referral e.g. is the entity an organization, individual etc? Referral Types are set by your system administrator.

Name – This is a Suggested Lookup field meaning that after entering two characters Penelope will suggest matches that already exist in the database. If the name already exists you can select it from the list and all of the relevant information will appear. If it does not already exist, entering the information here will also create a Blue Book Entry for the entity.

Role – Similar to a title. If it’s an individual you could enter Doctor, Counsellor etc.

Parent Entry – If you are entering information for an Individual who belongs to an organization already in Penelope you can enter the organization in the Parent Entry box. The Individual will then be added as an affiliate in the organization’s Blue Book Entry.

Address same as Parent Entry – Check this box if the address of the referrer is the same as the Parent Entry (if applicable).

Address – Enter an address (if applicable).

Hours – Select the referrers hours of business (if applicable).

After Hours – Enter details for contact after hours (if applicable).

Contacts – Add contact details. When adding Contacts ensure you click the plus (+) icon to add the contact.

Notes – Add any referrer notes as required.

Referral Entry

Reason – This is the reason for referral.

Date – Date of referral.

Client Consent – Has the client given consent for this referral.

Exit Referral (Outbound referrals only) – Checking this indicates that the referral marks the end of service for the client. This will not automatically close a Case or Service File for the client.

Referral Member/s – Who is covered by this referral (if more than one member in the Case for example)?

Client Needs – Complete as required.

Client Instructions – Complete as required.

Referral Entry Page

The Referral Entry page displays the referral you have added to Penelope. You will be taken to this page on the completion of the Referral Wizard. It can also be accessed from the Referral tab on the right-hand side of the entity screen (e.g. Case, Service File, Service Event etc).

It is also possible to edit the referral by clicking the edit button in the top right of your screen. In addition to this, you can also add Notes by navigating to the Notes tab and then clicking the Add link located in the Notes section.

Documents and Attachments can be added to referrals using the Documents and Attachments tabs on the right-hand side of the screen. You can also generate a printed version of the reference by running the Referral Report found under the Reports tab on the right-hand side of the screen.

For more information on how to send Messages click here.

Referral Tab Sidebar

This is the Referral tab that you can find on the right-hand side of the entity screen (Case, Service File, Service Event, etc). All referrals will be listed here. A red dot indicates an inbound referral and a green dot indicates an external referral.

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