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Target/Actuals Glossary of Terms
Updated over a week ago

Below you will find a glossary of the terminology used in the Targets/Actuals reporting module:

  • End Date = end date of the period

  • Breakdown = data elements for which the total calculations will be broken out (so they will always equal 100%)

  • Include Non-Reported = include the history of result set – that is, include items that are no longer active

  • Show Period Interval = display intervals

  • Show Quarter Summary = if the interval is other than a quarter, summarize the results by quarter

  • Show Actuals Prior Year Summary = will display variance against prior year’s actuals

  • Show Parent Targets Comparison = will display breakouts created as part of target setup

  • Display Targets Only = only target values will be displayed

  • Display Actuals Only = only actuals will be displayed

  • Comparison to Targets / Prior Year = actuals for prior year or targets will be displayed

  • Difference = numeric difference between actuals/ prior year and targets/ current year will be displayed

  • % Difference = difference will be expressed as a percentage of the target/ prior-year value

  • % of Comparison = target/ prior-year value will be expressed as a percentage of the actuals

  • Min = lowest value in row or column in the selected report set

  • Max = highest value in row or column in the selected report set

  • Median = median value in row or column in the selected report set

  • Mean = average value in row or column in the selected report set

  • Variance = the standard deviation squared of the selected report set

  • Std Deviation = the standard deviation of the selected report set

  • Percentage – Row = will display the actuals or difference as a % of the row values (e.g. across different intervals)

  • Percentage – Grant Total / Breakdown Total = will display the actuals or difference as a % of the selected breakdown values for the entire total

  • Percentage – Grand Total/ Breakdown Period = will display the actuals or difference as a % of the selected breakdown values by period

  • Sort by Alphabetical = will sort results alphabetically – you may select ascending or descending order

  • Sort by Targets = will sort results by target value – you may select ascending or descending order

  • Sort by Actuals = will sort results by actuals value – you may select ascending or descending order

  • Sort Direction = lowest to highest or revers

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