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How do I Reschedule or Cancel a Session?
How do I Reschedule or Cancel a Session?
Dougbear the Bugbear avatar
Written by Dougbear the Bugbear
Updated over a week ago

We have all been there. You have a game planned, and then something comes up that drastically changes your schedule in an instant. This is for those situations when you absolutely NEED to cancel or reschedule an upcoming game.

The most important thing to do if you need to cancel or reschedule a game is to notify your players.

Give them as much warning as possible, and try to find a new time that will work for everyone. Make sure to message them in several different places. Send a message through the site, post in whatever chat service your group uses for online games, and send out an email if you can.

Whether you need to reschedule the session or outright cancel, follow the steps below.

Where do I go to Reschedule or Cancel a Session?

Go to your "Listings" Page

Navigate to Your Adventure

You can click on the name of the Adventure, or click the 3 dots and click "Edit"

How to Reschedule or Cancel a Session

To Reschedule a Session

Under "Schedule," click on the Session you want to reschedule

Then, click "Reschedule"

Enter in the new session date and time, then click "Reschedule"


If a session is rescheduled, any players that have marked themselves as skipping the session at the original time, are still marked as skipping it at the new time.
Your players will need to un-skip the session if they will be attending it at the new time slot, or you will need to cancel the original session and schedule a new one instead of rescheduling.

To Cancel a Session:

Under "Schedule," click on the Session you want to cancel

Then, click the Trash Can icon

Click "Delete" on the "Delete session?" pop up

That's it! The session is now no more πŸ‘‹

Additional Information:

StartPlaying charges players one hour after the listed start time. Unnecessary charges can be avoided if a session is canceled before that time.

Players can settle the issue with the GM if a charge goes through, such as simply having the charge count towards the next session instead. Here is how to do that.

The GM can also reach out to support at!

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