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How to cancel a subscription

How to cancel a subscription after it has started.

Updated over 7 months ago

This article will explain how you can cancel a subscription via the Stora back office before or after a move-in.

Cancel before a move-in

Select the customer ID and then Select Cancel subscription in the top right-hand corner of the page.

You will be presented with a pop-up window letting you know that the subscription has not yet started. If you still wish to proceed, select Cancel now.

You can also select whether or not to notify the customer via email. This will cancel the subscription immediately, and no payments will be taken.

Cancel after a move-in

Select the customer subscription on Stora and then select Cancel Subscription from the top right-hand corner.

You'll be asked if you'd like to cancel immediately at the end of the current subscription term, or you can select a custom date.

Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. You can then preview these changes before confirming.

You must still remove the customer from their Unit

Make a note to remove the customer from their unit when their subscription has ended, as this will not be automatically unallocated unless this feature is enabled. Learn more on auto-deallocation.

Checking the 'Previous' tab on the subscriptions page will help identify any cancelled subscriptions that still have units attached, and the map will also highlight this.

Can customers cancel their subscriptions by themselves?

Customers can cancel their subscriptions from within their online account using the Sign In section of your website. If a customer cancels here, you will receive an email notification with the customer details. Customers pay in advance, so they will have access until the day they have paid up. De-allocate the unit on the appropriate date.

Can I stop a customer from cancelling online?

Yes, you can stop the customer from having the ability to cancel themselves. Here is a guide on how to remove the option to cancel.

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