Create your warehouses in StructShare and allocate inventory values to the existing material being stored.
Warehouses can be built out in StructShare and inventory quantities for specific items can be added to them. Warehouse inventory will then display when creating requests and orders, ensuring that available inventory is used before new materials are purchased. Additionally, warehouses can order directly from suppliers to replenish inventory minimums. Finally, warehouses can be set up as delivery addresses so that material can be processed there before allocated to a project.
Things to Consider
Item Database
We recommend that you first build out your Item Database. The items in your database can then be tied to warehouses so that inventory values can be tracked. Items in your warehouses must come from your item database.
Multiple Warehouses
StructShare empowers you to track multiple different warehouses from your system.
Manual Creation v. Import
Warehouse inventory can be populated manually or via import. We recommend importing this data to maximize efficiency.
In order to create and manage warehouses a user must have ‘Warehouse Admin’ access to StructShare. This can be set up in the ‘User Information’ section of the StructShare settings.
Creating a Warehouses
Importing Items and Inventory Values
Creating a Warehouse
Click on the Warehouses tool on the left-hand side of the screen
Click on the plus (+) icon at the top left of the screen to create a new warehouse
Fill in the warehouse name, address, and default delivery contact
Press ‘Create’
Importing Items and Inventory Values
Warehouse_Import_Template.xlsx (Click to Download)
From the Warehouses Screen click on the cloud icon with the down facing arrow to export a warehouse import template
Use your item database item names to populate the first column in the excel spreadsheet
Populate the Unit of Measure and the Inventory Value
To import the sheet, go back to the Warehouses screen and click on the cloud with the up facing arrow to start your import
Select the correct warehouse name from the dropdown in the top left corner
Make sure all of the columns are correctly allocated
Check the box at the bottom to Ignore First Row
Click ‘Insert XXX Rows’ at the bottom of the page
See Also: Warehouse Pricing Import
Contact Support:
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(512) 222-3716