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Daily Records: App Configuration

Configuring what teachers see on the TeachKloud Mobile App Using the School Interface

Updated over 3 years ago

Daily records include records such as meals (food menu), medication logs, nappy changes, sleep checks, bathroom breaks, general comments and disposition of the child.

In the daily records, section, decide what fields to show in the teacher mobile application. If you do not want to hide any fields or edit our templates, this step is not needed.

  1. To hide a field in the daily records section of the teacher mobile app, select ‘Teacher app configuration’ using the menu on the left-hand side of your screen.

  2. Uncheck any section you do not want teachers to see in the mobile application.

For example, your teachers may not need to document the temperature of the room when conducting sleep checks. To hide this field, uncheck the box next to ‘room temperature’ under the heading ‘sleep check’ in the daily record section and select ‘save’

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