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Adding Daily Records

Adding daily records

Updated over a week ago

Daily Records are used to document important logs like general comments, disposition, medication, sleep, meal and nappy changes. Daily records are added using the TeachKloud: Childcare app. School Interface users can view daily records using the School Interface.

Step 1

To add a daily record, select the daily record button using the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen. Here you can select to view ‘All’ of the records that have been created for children or segment by child at the top of your screen.

Step 2

To create a daily record select the green plus button at the right-hand corner of your screen.

Step 3

Select the daily record you’d like to create.

Step 4

Complete the form and select publish.

Make visible to parents

Remember, you decide if you’d like parents to view the record you are creating. Check the ‘make visible to parents’ box to share the record with parent and uncheck not to share it with parents

Tip: many of the daily record fields are optional and can be customised in the school interface by a school administrator. For example, you may want to hide certain fields.


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