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Restrict Access: Educator Timesheet
Updated over 3 months ago

The Restrict Timesheet Check In, auto-records the check in time of staff using the educator time sheet, stops sign in before the scheduled time and only allows staff to check themselves in/out or add breaks for themselves.

When this feature is on, times can only be edited by admin using the roster management > insights section.

Turn on Restrict Timesheet Check-in

  1. To turn this on, click here

  2. At the top of the screen, toggle the button next to restrict time sheet check

  3. When enabled, the button will turn green, when disabled, the button will be grey

How Does Management Edit Staff Check-in and Check-out Time?

  1. Select the relevant staff (top left hand corner)

  2. Scroll down to the calendar view and select the date you want to edit the time for

  3. Input the relevant information

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