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How to pair, unpair or edit an asset icon with a device

Find out how to link your site plan to physical Tended devices to use live and planned location functionality

Elli Goodman avatar
Written by Elli Goodman
Updated over 2 months ago

As well as our live location functionality, you can also compare where assets are onsite against their planned location.

For example: to check a marker board is put in the correct place. To use the live versus planned location functionality you need to pair your asset icon on the site plan to a device in asset mode that will be used on the ground.

  • The asset icon feature allows you to map out where assets or specific areas should be on site, such as for marker boards or a site access point.

  • These markers can then be paired with the Tended device to follow their live location: no more leaving or misplacing equipment on worksites.

Please note: You must have first assigned a device in asset mode to the project or site before you can pair an asset icon with the device

How to pair an asset icon with a Tended device

  1. Log in to your Tended Dashboard.

  2. Click on the "Projects" at the top of the screen.

  3. Either click "View project" to add an asset to an existing site or "Start a new project" to add an asset to a new site.

  4. You should now be at the project overview page, with your site map at the top.

  5. Click on the asset icon you want to pair with a device, on the map.

  6. A new menu should pop open. Click on "Pair asset with device"

  7. Pick the correct Device ID from the list. Then click "Assign device"

How to unpair a Tended device from an asset icon

  1. Log in to your Tended Dashboard.

  2. Click on the "Projects" tab in the left-hand toolbar.

  3. Find the project your device is assigned to. Click "View project".

  4. You should now be at the project overview page, with your site ma at the top.

  5. Click the asset icon you want to edit, on the map. A new menu should pop open.

    Then click "Edit asset pairing".

  6. To change the device pairing click an alternate Device ID from the Device ID list.

  7. To unpair the device, click "Select a device" to unpair from any device.

  8. Click "Assign device".

  9. Click "X" in top corner of panel to close.

Common issues with pairing

"I can't see any device IDs to pair with my asset icon"

There are four things we can check why this is the case:

  1. That the device you're trying to pair with has been added to this project.

  2. That the device you're trying to pair with hasn't been added to the wrong project.

  3. That the device you're trying to pair with has been added as an 'Asset' type and not as a 'Wearable' type instead by mistake.

  4. That the device you're trying to pair with hasn't already been assigned to a different asset.

Any questions or issues?

We're here to help! Simply pop us an email at, WhatsApp us on +44 (0) 7713682625 or chat with us via the help button at the corner of this page or within the Dashboard 😊

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