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Why can't I log in?
Updated over a month ago

Learn how to quickly fix common login/connection issues with the information provided in this article.

If you're having trouble logging in or connecting to your trading platform, check each of these steps first:

Check your Trading Combine subscription status

  • You will not be able to log into your platform if your Trading Combine has closed due to cancellation or past-due payment.

  • If you're unable to login to your platform, first go to your billing page to confirm your subscription is still open & active.

  • If your account is past due, follow these steps to update.

  • Depending on the account status, you can either reactivate the subscription or start a new Trading Combine using your same profile to continue trading.

Check your login credentials

It's important to check your login credentials and verify you're logging in with the right information.

  • Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.

  • Your credentials can be found in the "Topstep Account Credentials" email that you receive shortly after purchase. Make sure to check your spam folder!

  • If you're using an auto-fill to input your login credentials, type your login credentials in manually if the login issue persists.

(Ninjatrader users: You'll use two different login credentials to connect to your Trading Combine-- one for your RTrader Pro connection and one for your personal NinjaTrader account. See more details here)

Check the time of day

  • If you started a new combine or reset an account between 3:10 PM-5:00 PM CT, please wait until 6 PM CT for the account to be available on your platform.

  • Trade Reports are processed from 3:10 PM -5 PM CT, and any resets or new Combines purchased during this time may take longer than normal to appear in your platform. Learn more here: What is the Trade Report and when does it update?

Check the data feed

If you can't log in, the issue can stem from the data feed that your platform uses because you'll only have access to your selected platform and supported platforms that share that data feed. For instance, NinjaTrader uses Rithmic Data and Tradovate/TradingView uses CQG data.

Tip: If the data feeds are different, you can’t use the same login credentials to connect to both platforms. Check your platform's data feed here: List of Supported Platforms

Review your connection steps

  • All platform connection steps/information are found here: The Platform Connection Instructions must be followed line by line, otherwise, your connection will be unsuccessful.

If you're still having an issue after confirming your subscription status, login credentials, time of day, data feed, and connection steps, then please proceed with verifying the following steps:

Reset your password

  • One of the easiest fixes for being unable to log in is to reset your password. You can reset your password by following the prompts on the login screen.

Sign the Data Agreements

  • When starting a Trading Combine with a new platform you may need to complete data agreements again.

  • Your account and username will not be created until these agreements are completed.

  • The easiest way to check if you need to complete these agreements is to log into your dashboard and complete the forms.

  • For Plus500 (T4) accounts you need to use your credentials and follow the instructions here.

Confirm your chosen platform

  • Verify that the platform you're attempting to connect to is the one that was selected at checkout.

  • You can see which platform you signed up for by hovering over the information icon in your Dashboard, shown below.

  • ​If the platform isn't the one you selected at checkout, or isn't on the same data feed, you'll be unable to connect. Data feed details for each platform are found here: List of Supported Platforms.

Platform-specific troubleshooting tips:

Tradovate users:

  • You might see an "account not specified" error message, which means that the wrong environment was selected during login.

To fix this:

  • Log out and then log back in

  • Make sure to select the "simulated environment" option when prompted.

  • Take a look at an example on the Tradovate connection instructions page for more details.

NinjaTrader users:

T4 users:

  • Accounts connected to the Plus500 data feed take longer to create than others.

  • You should receive your credentials within one business day of resetting or creating your account, but keep in mind that T4 accounts purchased or reset after 3 PM CT will be created the next trading day at 5 PM CT.

  • We recommend purchasing new Trading Combines or Resets before 2:30 PM CT to make sure your new account is available as soon as possible without an additional delay.

TradingView users:

  • If you are seeing a "broker connection limit has been exceeded" error message, please ensure you're only logged in to TradingView on one device/browser tab at a time. You cannot be logged in on multiple tabs, browsers, or devices at the same time.

To fix this:

  • Log out of TradingView on all browser tabs and devices,

  • Clear your cookies/cache

  • Log back in.

If you continue to receive this error message, you'll need to contact TradingView directly to fix this. Topstep cannot fix this on our end. Get in touch with the TradingView Support Team here.

See more TradingView tips here: TradingView Connection Troubleshooting

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