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How to List a Product to Shopify

How to get your items listed to your Shop and details about what each attribute does

Rain Gilbert avatar
Written by Rain Gilbert
Updated over a week ago


This guide walks through the various methods and steps to list a unique product to Shopify within Lister.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Starting a New Shopify Listing

There are two ways to start a new Shopify listing. If you’re using draft products and manifests, follow method 1. If you don’t use draft products or manifests, method 2 guides you through the listing process.

💡Operational Tip: New to listing on Upright Lister?

Method 1: List via Draft Products (Recommended)

If you use manifests to record inbound items, or create draft products before listing, navigate to the Products>Drafts page to begin listing.

  1. Click on the “Products” button in the upper right navigation menu of Lister and select “Drafts” from the dropdown menu

    Note: Depending on your role, you may automatically see the products page when your first log in to Lister.

    Add Product button on the products page or New Product from the navigation menu
  2. From the Draft Products page, search for the product you want to list by scanning or typing the barcode into the search bar or by entering the product title

  3. Click the green “List” button next to the item to begin the listing process and move to step 2

Method 2: List via New Product Button

If you don’t use Draft Products of Manifests, you can create a new listing from any page in Lister. There are two options to start a new product, but both immediately take you to the New Product page described in step 2.

  • Option 1: Click the “New Product” link in the top navigation menu from any page in Lister

  • Option 2: Click the “Add Product” button on the product page

Click "New Product" from the navigation menu or "Add Product" from the products page to create anew listing without a draft

Step 2: Select a Product Category and Listing Strategy

On the New Product page, you’ll be prompted to enter a category and listing strategy for the item.

The pictures and title will appear at the top of the page if you used method 1 to list the draft product. The new product page will be blank if the listing begins via method 2 (above).

Method 1 Example:

An example draft product with pictures

Method 2 Example:

An example new product without pictures

No matter what method was chosen to start the listing, the following fields need to be completed and verified before continuing:

  1. Category: Begin by typing the name of the product category into the category box

  2. Listing Strategy: Listing strategies automatically populate based on the product category. The default strategy can be changed from this dropdown menu

  3. Next: Once the category and listing strategy are verified, click the green “Next” button to move to step 3 of the listing process

Verify Category and Listing Strategy before continuing

Step 3: Complete Builder Template Details

If the product category is tied to a builder template, you’ll be prompted to complete the product attribute details.

If a field is required, it is marked in red on the template page. Once all required fields have been completed, click the Preview button at the bottom left of the template page.

An example Builder Template

Step 4: Verify Listing Details and Channel Options

The next page is the listing editor. This page is broken into three sections to help guide you through the final listing process:

Images and Product Details

  1. Images: If pictures have not been taken via Link, you can click the top box to upload new images from your computer or drag and drop them into the upload box. Click here to learn how to take and edit pictures in Lister and Link

  2. Title: If a builder template was used, most of the title should be built already. Make any final changes in this box that you want to show on Shopify

  3. SKU and Supplier: If the listing was created via a draft product (method 1, above), the supplier and SKU will automatically be entered. If created by the New Product button, these fields will be blank and can manually be entered

  4. Item Weight: Enter the item weight in lbs to help accurately estimate shipping charges

  5. Inventory Location: In most cases, locations are added after an item is listed via Link

  6. Item Dimensions: Enter the exact product dimensions in inches, if they are not already entered

  7. Box Padding: Select a box padding size to help accurately estimate shipping charges

  8. Tags: Enter any internal tags to help further track the product in Lister

  9. Shipping Method: This field is only relevant to Shopgoodwill sellers. It can be ignored when listing a product to any other marketplace

  10. Shipping Box and Weight: These fields help you save time during the shipping process when calculating shipping for single-item orders. In the example below, you can see the dimensional weight is calculated here

The new product page's images and product details section

Listing Details and Product Notes

The next section of the listing page allows you to override any description details of the Shopify listing and leave internal notes about the product.

  1. Listing Details: Modify any details that are automatically entered via the builder template

  2. Product Notes: Any internal notes about the product will be displayed in this section. You can also enter new notes for internal use. This field is not visible on Shopify

    Listing details are shown in Shopify, Product notes are only shown internally

Channel Options and Overrides

The final section at the bottom of the listing page allows you to:

  • Set your item price (if not controlled by a listing strategy)

  • Add additional Shopify tag

  • Override the listing duration

  • Make any final changes before publishing the listing

Shopify Channel Options and Overrides section

Step 5: Save Listing

Click the blue “Save” button in the top right corner of the listing page to publish your Shopify listing!

💡 Operational Tip: As you scroll down the listing page, the “Save” button will always stay visible to help get your items listed as fast as possible!

Click "Save" once the listing is complete

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