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Guide to Settings: Products

Settings to control SKU generation, internal product tags, Hammock integration, and required posting fields

Rain Gilbert avatar
Written by Rain Gilbert
Updated over a week ago


The Products admin settings control the format of SKUs generated, the default shipping method for Shopgoodwill sellers, any required posting fields that must be completed before a new product can be saved, and internal product tags. In addition, this page controls the integration with Hammoq’s remote listing services.

This article explains what each of these settings means and how to edit them.

Table of Contents

How to Access Products Settings

The Products settings page is found in the Admin section of Lister. Admins and custom roles with access to Product settings can change these settings.

  1. Click the gear icon in the top-right navigation menu to reach the admin portal

  2. Click “Products” under the Products and Listing heading

    How to find the Products Settings page in Lister

SKU Generation

The SKU generation section controls what formatting of SKUs (Stock-Keeping Units) are used for your operation. SKUs can be numeric or alphanumeric (see more information below). SKUs are generated via Manifests, or manually when creating a new Product unconnected to a Manifest.

Change the SKU generation method to one of the following options by selecting from the dropdown menu:

Alphanumeric with Number Endings (Default)

  • Example: RES167GD-01

  • The alphanumeric SKU type is a mix of letters and numbers

    • For products created via manifest, the first three characters of the SKU will be the supplier abbreviation. Items created via manifest for a store named Reston, for example, will start with "RES"

  • For manifests, SKUs will begin with the supplier abbreviation and end with numbers

  • Note: some characters are omitted to avoid confusion, like "i", "l", "I", "O", "0", and "L"

💡Operational Tip: We recommend using the Alphanumeric with Number Endings SKU generation setting if manifests typically have more than 26 items to ensure you see unique results for each barcode scanned.


Alphanumeric with Letter Endings

  • Example: RES167GD-A

  • The alphanumeric SKU type is a mix of letters and numbers

    • For products created via manifest, the first three characters of the SKU will be the supplier abbreviation. Items created via manifest for a store named Reston, for example, will start with "RES"

  • For manifests, SKUs will begin with the supplier abbreviation and end with letters

  • Note: some characters are omitted to avoid confusion, like "i", "l", "I", "O", "0", and "L"


Numeric with Number Endings

  • Example: 20195612-01

  • The numeric SKU type displays only numbers

  • For manifests, SKUs will end with numbers


Numeric with Letter Endings

  • Example: 20195612-A

  • The numeric SKU type displays only numbers

  • For manifests, SKUs will end with letters


Listing Integrations

This section controls the connection to Hammoq to import pictures, descriptions and product attributes from Hammoq’s remote listings and Phototography Conveyor system. Click here for more details on Hammoq’s remote listing service and how to connect your Hammoq account to Lister.

Default Shipping Method (Shopgoodwill sellers only)

This will serve as the default shipping method when listing if one hasn’t been automated via Listing Strategies, but listers can change it if needed (for example, to “Pickup”)

Note: For eBay listings, this setting is controlled by your eBay business policies and is set within individual Listing Strategies or at the point of listing.

Default Shipping Method

Required Posting Fields

Requiring any of the fields below ensures that each product listed online includes the necessary information. You may require as many of these fields as you like.

  • Carrier

  • Category

  • Listing Strategy

  • Shipping box

  • Shipping weight

  • Weight

  • SKU

  • Inventory location

  • Supplier

💡Operational Tip: Draft products and products created within Link temporarily ignore required fields so they can be saved and completed via Lister.

Required Posting Fields


Tags can be created and applied to products for quick identification in your quality assurance process or to help teams delegate workload who use remote listers.

Additional details on using tags in your workflow can be found in our guide How to Use and Manage Tags.

Lister Tags

How to Create New Tags

  1. Click the “New tag” in the top right corner of the Tags box

  2. Enter the name of the new tag in the popup box and click the blue “Save” button

How to Create New Tags

How To Edit Tags

  1. Click the “Edit” button next to the tag to be edited

  2. Rename the tag and click the blue “Save” button in the popup box

How To Edit Tags

How to Delete Tags

Note: Deleting a tag removes it from all associated products and downloadable reports. This action cannot be undone.

  1. Click “Delete” next to the tag to be removed

  2. Confirm the tag name in the pop-up box and click the red “Delete” button

How to Delete Tags


Click the blue “Save” button at the bottom of the page after making any changes to your settings.

How to save changes

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