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Navigating Upright Lister

High Level walkthrough of each of the pages in Lister and their contents

Rain Gilbert avatar
Written by Rain Gilbert
Updated over a week ago


This is an introductory walkthrough of how to navigate Upright Lister.

Please note access to some of these features and specific pages shown in this article is controlled by your user role and may not be visible to certain team members. Click here to learn about default and customizable roles in Lister.

Table of Contents

Navigating the Admin Dashboard

When an Admin or Custom Role with access to the Admin Dashboard logs into their Upright Lister account, you’ll be greeted with your account dashboard:

Admin Dashboard in Upright Lister
  1. Header Buttons - Available on every page in Lister, these navigation buttons take you to various places in Lister. More details on each button can be found in the next section

  2. Today’s Sales - Gross revenue from orders paid today. Click "Sales" to include or exclude shipping, handling, tax, and/or donation totals

  3. Unfulfilled Orders - Orders paid for by the buyer ready for pickup or to be packed and shipped. Click "All" to switch between all orders, shipping only, or local pickup only

  4. Unprocessed Manifest Items - Number of items that need to be processed for intake

  5. Attention Required Listings - Listings with errors preventing them from publishing to their online marketplaces. These should be reviewed and fixed daily. For more details, please review the help guides below:

  6. Today’s Postings - Number of Postings by user/employee with % increase or decrease in postings from the previous day

  7. Weekly Sales by Supplier - Revenue generated by items sold (excluding tax and shipping) from each store or location. The line graph shows the trends for the last 7 days. "View Report" takes you to Sales Overview Report

  8. Weekly Poster Sales - Revenue of sold items (excluding tax and shipping) by poster/user/employee who listed item, Links to reports

  9. Weekly Top 10 Sales - Highest ticket items sold in the last 7 days, option to filter by location. Click “View Report” to see the top 50

  10. Live Chat - Available for admins on any page in Lister, this icon opens a live chat with the Upright team to help answer any questions from 9am-6pm Monday to Friday. Click here to learn more

Navigation Menu Header Buttons

In the top right corner of Lister are 13 quick-access buttons to navigate around Lister. Below is a brief overview of these buttons, with links to additional help center articles to explain them in more detail.

Note: Depending on your user role, certain navigation buttons may not be visible in your account.

The Top Right Navigation Menu in Lister
  1. Home - Return to the Lister homepage set by your user role. Default roles have predefined home pages, whereas custom roles can set the home page to any of the following views in Lister:

    • Admin Dashboard

    • Manifest Manager

    • New Shipment

    • Order Manager

    • Posting History

    • Product Manager

    • Reports

    • Supplier Dashboard

  2. New Product - Quick access to list a new product if you do not use manifests

  3. Products Manager - Central location to add and manage all existing active, draft, and recycled products.

  4. Listings Manager- Central location to view all active and inactive listings. The listing manager is organized by channel

  5. Manifests - Create, search, and process manifests. Manifests are digital records of the content of a container of goods being sent by a store to sell online and are a way to bulk-generate product barcodes

  6. Orders - View and manage orders and print pack slips for order fulfillment. Each row represents a customer order

  7. Shipments - Create, view, and manage all shipments. Each row represents a shipment

  8. Reports - analyze data in your account

  9. Admin Settings - Customize your Lister account, build out templates and listing strategies, and manage your team accounts. This page is only available to admin users or custom roles

  10. User/Login - indicates username, option to change password, and sign out

  11. Lister Connect - Verify your label printer and scales are connected and run test prints

  12. Latest Updates- Review the latest product changes here. If a blue circle pops up that means there are new unread features in Lister!

  13. Help - Navigate to our help center, check out the product roadmap, or request a new feature

💡Operational Tip: If your organization manifests every product to be listed, avoid using the New Product button (2). An item created via this button does not connect to the original manifest for reporting and can create a backlog of items on the draft product page.

Live Chat and Help Center

Need additional help? We’re here for you! Admin users can click the chat icon at the bottom of any page in Lister to open our support portal. From here you can:

  1. See our Status Page to stay up to date on any ongoing issues affecting components of Lister or Link

  2. Search our help center articles directly in Lister

  3. Open a live chat with our team, or review your previous chats. We typically respond in a few minutes! Our support hours are 9am-6pm ET, Monday to Friday, and we are closed on holidays

How to access live chat, help center, and our status page in Lister

Related Guides

Have questions? Reach out to us at or via chat anytime between 9am-6pm ET, Monday to Friday

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