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Notification system

Type of notifications. In-app notifications, emails and the digest email.

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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

In-app notifications (bell icon)

The Notifications tab displays information about events in Vizibl that require your attention:

  • You have been assigned a task

  • You have been added to a project

  • A new value tracker is added to a project

  • Invites to participate to initiatives / closed initiatives

  • SSM reports requiring your attention

  • Any other activities you are involved in or discussions

If you select a notification in the list to see more detail, you will be taken to a section requiring your attention (for example, if the notification is related to an event, then clicking on it will take you to the event page):

Whenever a new notification is triggered, a number will appear next to the bell icon, making sure you never miss any important items:

Email notifications

By default, email notifications are sent out for activities requiring action on your part such as

  • Event Invitations

  • Project assignment

  • Survey invitation

  • Due project check-ins

You have the possibility to unsubscribe from these email notifications though we strongly recommend you to keep them active in order to follow up and contribute to your relationships.

Email digest

Newsletter-type of email which combines multiple notifications into one. This is triggered every day at 14:00 UTC provided there are unseen updates in Vizibl older than 1 hour (i.e. tasks assigned to someone who has not logged in between 14:00 UTC the previous day and 13:00 UTC the day the email is triggered).

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