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Our Feature Request Process
Our Feature Request Process
Updated over a week ago

We pride ourselves on process, that is why we are able to do big things here at Walla.

At Walla, your ideas and suggestions mean the world to us. We take each and every feature request to heart and work hard to bring them to life as best we can. While we can't grant every wish, we wholeheartedly invite you to share your thoughts with us. Your ideas open doors to improvements that might otherwise go undiscovered. And over the past two years, we're thrilled to have fulfilled more than 500 requests – your input is driving real change!

What makes a great feature request?

Great feature requests are clear, to the point, and have example uses cases for context. The title should not exceed a few words and it should briefly summarize the request. What you provide us should be detailed yet concise. After submitting your request you have the option to choose how important to you it is to have the feature. We appreciate you sharing the impact this has on your business so we can better understand the need for the feature. Remember, however, that if everything is critical then nothing is critical.

While the feature request serves as the initial point of discussion, it's crucial to delve deeper into the underlying problem or need you're aiming to address. Often, this essential aspect isn't fully communicated upfront. It's not merely about the request and its benefits; it's about grasping the real issue you're facing.

Requests are easier for us to prioritize when they have information that can answer the following questions:

  • What are you trying to do that you are unable to do without the feature?

  • Why would this feature help solve the problem?

  • What do you currently do as a workaround?

  • What problem does having the feature solve?

  • What is it like to not have the feature

What happens after I submit my request?

Once you've submitted your feature request, it will be reviewed to determine if the request is already on the tracking list, we add a tally to request on the board or we check if the feature request is already on the roadmap. We aim to review submissions once a month.

If a request falls under one or more of the below reasons, it may not make it as a submission. If this is the case we will let you know.

  • The exact request or something very similar is already on the roadmap

  • There are technical roadblocks that make the request unable to be fulfilled

  • The feature has been added but it is slightly different than you expect

  • Currently there is a workaround or an equivalent that achieves an outcome that is very close to your goals and needs

  • Is a technical issue that is not so much a feature request and is more of a bug

If your request does not make it on the roadmap, we absolutely save all requests so they can be reviewed and considered at a later date if things change! We use all requests to investigate trends and themes. The trends and themes we find influence the course of our roadmap. We mean it when we say that every feature request matters, even if it does not end up on the roadmap.

How is it determined that a feature will be moved to the roadmap?

The number of votes influences the features the product team adds to the roadmap, but it is not the only deciding factor. Prioritizing futures involves a number of factors that include but are not limited to:

  • Ideas need to be aligned Walla’s long term vision and objectives.

  • The complexity and time it takes to develop

  • Will it help Walla users reach a business goal such as increase bookings, grow client base, significantly save time, or is it just something that is nice to have

  • Will this impact one business or will this help a majority of businesses

  • Resource and Team Availability

  • Understanding the cost/effort required to implement your request.

  • Assessing the technical requirements and challenges associated with its implementation.

  • Considering the level of support needed for the feature once it's implemented.

  • Evaluating the potential customer base that could benefit from this functionality (which is always important).

  • Discussing the timeline for implementation, taking into account our current commitments.

  • Analyzing the impact of this work on our ongoing tasks; for example, does it disrupt other projects, and if so, to what extent?

  • Anticipating the need for future expansion or improvement based on evolving customer needs.

  • Ensuring that your feature request aligns well with our current product direction, vision, and objectives.

I have a feature that I just want added to my Walla site, how do I request that?

Any feature request is going to affect every business that uses Walla, not just one Walla site. This is why we take feature requests seriously. This is also why fulfilling every request would result in a product that looks like a Mr. Potato Head with mismatched parts.

When you make a request, we're not just passively hearing you – we're actively listening. We've witnessed the consequences when companies turn a deaf ear to their customers, and that's why we meticulously track and follow a well-defined process for requests. Our dedication to your needs is unwavering, and in return, we kindly ask for your respect of our scalable feature request process. This way, we can keep the channels open to listen, act, and implement requests from all businesses, ensuring a partnership that thrives on mutual understanding and collaboration.

When will a feature I submitted or voted for be made?

We can't guarantee that every request will be implemented exactly as it's asked. It's important to remember that some feature and enhancement requests may seem straightforward, but they often entail complex considerations. While our support team collaborates closely with our product team, they may not always have access to specific product timelines or rough estimates. We kindly request your patience and understanding, refraining from reaching out to support for roadmap insights. This allows our support team to excel at what they do best – providing you with excellent assistance. For updates on upcoming features, stay tuned to our Hello Walla blog and our Product Updates page found in the Product Updates section in our Support Center.

Submitting a long list of feature requests can overwhelm our capacity to review each request thoroughly, potentially delaying essential features and showing disrespect for both our team's time and other clients' needs. Prioritizing a select few critical requests ensures fairness, respects our process, and allows us to deliver impactful solutions that benefit all our clients.

About the Roadmap

I was told something is being worked on, can I have an ETA?

It is challenging for us to provide timelines for feature requests but for features that are included in our roadmap we try to share a rough ETA, but there are many variables go into making a feature. This means that ETAs are not definite and are subject to change, and they usually always do. It is not that we do not want to provide an ETA, it is that the ETA we provide will very likely change. Please note we can not build requests on your timeline.

What is a roadmap?

A roadmap is a list of active and scheduled projects that our product and engineering teams work on to develop experiences that better meet the needs and goals of Walla's customers. Our teams are simultaneously working on dozens upon dozens of projects in various stages of development in addition to incorporating feature requests.

What is an ETA and is it definite?

It is challenging for us to provide timelines for feature requests but for features that are included in our roadmap we try to share a rough ETA, but there are many variables go into making a feature. This means that ETAs are not definite and are subject to change. Please note we can not build requests on your timeline.

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