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How to delegate eBooking authority
How to delegate eBooking authority

Delegate eBooking authority to agents or other offices so they can make eBookings on your behalf and view airlines live rates and capacity.

Joe Marris avatar
Written by Joe Marris
Updated this week

(Please be aware that we will soon change the menu format from horizontal to vertical. This will be immediate for all Sky eBookings pack types, and for paid packs, you can revert for 90 days before it is activated permanently. See the changes in this article)

With WebCargo’s eBooking delegation tool, you can give other agents or offices permission to access, search for, compare, and book with live dynamic rates on your account.

As the freight forwarder delegating eBooking authority, you can choose to add profits to the shared rate, which will remain invisible to the other party, and add country and airport restrictions, spending limits, and weight limits.

Watch the following video to find out how to use it, or continue reading the article for a more in-depth explanation.

Important: To use this functionality, both parties must have a WebCargo account. Please go to and create your free account if you do not have one.

Quickly jump to different sections by clicking a section below, or continue reading.

Activating the tool

After the tool is activated

How to activate eBooking delegation for users

To activate eBooking delegation on your account, you’ll need to reach out to us via email or through the chat feature located at the bottom right-hand side of your screen inside your WebCargo account.

Once we’ve received this request we will activate this for you and send you confirmation of this. Then take the following steps to activate it for specific users.

Important: this can only be activated by admins or super admins.

Log in to your account and access it per user. To do this, go to Settings, then Users.

Firstly, create or edit an existing user. Once the user is created, click on the pen and paper symbol under the Actions column and click on Edit User to go to the user settings.

Click on the Privileges tab, then scroll down to the bottom of the page.

You’ll see the option for eBooking Delegation with an empty tick box.

Click the box, then click Save. This user will now be able to delegate eBooking permissions to agents and other freight forwarders.

How to find the eBooking delegation tool in the platform

If you are an admin or a super admin, after we’ve confirmed with you that this option has been activated, you’ll be able to find the option using the following steps. The same will happen for users you have activated from your account.

The sharing section can be found under the menu Tools, then Rate Sharing and the dropdown option eBooking Delegation.

If you can delegate eBooking authority, you will see the list of existing agents and forwarders with the authority to initiate and make eBookings worldwide (if there are any) on your behalf. If you are a global account holder, you will always see the worldwide list of clients who have been delegated eBooking authority.

Here you can view the delegate’s name, or freight forwarder you’re delegating to, the country it is applicable to, the IATA code and country, when the eBooking delegation was last updated, and the status showing whether the connection is active or inactive.

Important: it is possible for one freight forwarder to be on the list multiple times, as it is only related to the IATA code as opposed to the actual user. Freight forwarders can have multiple IATA codes assigned to their accounts.

Click on any of the delegates and a side panel will appear showing the delegate information, contact details and any restricted carriers, geographical, booking and spending limitations.

Toggle the active button to either activate or deactivate the freight forwarder. You can also choose to edit or delete the delegate details at any point.

How to create a new delegation

To create a new delegation, click on the Create new delegation button. This will open up a new form to start configuring your delegate's conditions for eBooking.

First, you need to search for the freight forwarder by Company name and/or select a Country. Enter the details of the delegate you want to find and click Search.

Once you’ve found the delegate from the list, click Add.

Now you need to add an email address and phone number for the person within your company, or the delegator, who should be updated regarding any eBookings made with the delegate.

Tip: the phone number area code will automatically be the same for the country that was selected earlier. Click on the purple symbol to change this area code if needed.

Enter the email address and phone number then click Confirm delegate.

Important: If you do choose to change delegate or IATA later on, you will need to add any information added in later steps again.

If there are multiple IATA codes within your account, select the one that this delegation applies. Click Add to the code that should be delegated.

You’ll now be able to either change the IATA if you’ve incorrectly selected it, or Confirm Delegation.

If everything is correct. Click Confirm delegation.

How to configure added profits

After clicking Confirm delegation, you’ll be taken to a page to Configure your profits. Here is when you can choose to add profits on top of the rates that the delegate sees.

Select to apply profits per kilogram, per percentage of the shipment, or as a flat fee. The currency the profits are shown in will be the currency of the IATA, e.g. Italy would be the euro.

Once you’ve entered your profits, click Save profit setup. These profits are added to the dynamic rates that are coming from the carrier. The agent will see the rate as a total and will not be able to see the profits added.

Adding profits is optional. If you don’t want to add any, simply click Skip.

How to add restrictions to the rates a delegate sees

Restrictions can be added so that when making a search the delegate doesn’t see rates for specific carriers, origins and destination airports within the country the IATA is registered, and entire countries.

You can also specify a limit on the value of monthly bookings and put a monthly cap on weight. If the delegate is close to meeting their monthly quota (>80%), they are shown a warning message when finalizing their next eBooking.

Once you’ve added the restrictions, click on Confirm restrictions. If you don’t want to add restrictions, remember, you can simply click Skip.

Finalizing the eBooking delegation

A clickable box will show with the terms and conditions, as well as the delegator and the time stamp for when it was created. Click on the checkbox for the Save and Save & activate buttons to appear.

Save will save the delegation, but as inactive within the list of different delegations. Save & Activate will save the delegation and activate it at the same time, so the delegate can start making eBookings on your behalf.

Either of these will take you to the eBooking delegation page. You’ll find your newly created delegation within the list, which will show whether it’s active or inactive.

If you cannot see your eBooking delegation from the list, use the search bars. You can select to search for the Delegate name, Delegate country, or the IATA country.

Important: Once the delegation is saved, the delegate cannot be changed. If the delegation is no longer needed, it can be set to inactive or deleted from the system.

How to activate, deactivate, edit and delete your delegation

Click on any of the delegations to view the contact details of the person who activated the tool, the delegated IATA number, and any profits and restrictions that were set up earlier.

Click on the Active/inactive button to switch the delegation on and off, click on Edit to alter the conditions (profits and limitations), or completely remove the delegation by clicking the Delete button. This will remove the delegation from the list.

Important: deleting the delegation will remove all AWBs associated with it. A message will show before, advising you that all AWBs assigned to this delegate will also be deleted.

How your agent can book when delegation is authorized

As mentioned earlier, in order for an agent or freight forwarder to use the eBooking delegation tool, they'll need to sign up for a free account. Click here to find the link they can sign up with.

Agents or freight forwarders who have received permission to book on your behalf will see the corresponding IATA as an option within the booking form.

By selecting it they will be able to get dynamic rates and place eBookings with the IATA number associated with the freight forwarder delegating. As the freight forwarder delegating, your name will be visible next to the IATA within the dropdown when initiating an eBooking through New eBooking on the WebCargo platform.

When an eBooking is placed you and the agent or forwarder will receive the booking notification and can find details under the My eBookings section within your account.

The total amount will differ depending on whether you added profits to the shared rate:

You will be able to see the eBooking with added profit, or Delegated rate, within the My eBookings tab, as well as the amount without.

Freight forwarders who have been granted eBooking authority will only see the total amount including profit when clicking on the eBooking within the My eBookings section.

When the eBooking has been processed, both parties will receive the eBooking information in an email. The agent or freight forwarder who has been delegated will only see the total price without the profit separated.

For more information about activating the eBooking Delegation tool, please reach out to your WebCargo account manager.

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