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How to schedule eBookings
How to schedule eBookings

Using the scheduling feature on WebCargo, you can schedule and book future eBookings without having to enter them one by one.

Joe Marris avatar
Written by Joe Marris
Updated over 8 months ago

(Please be aware that we will soon change the menu format from horizontal to vertical. This will be immediate for all Sky eBookings pack types, and for paid packs, you can revert for 90 days before it is activated permanently. See the changes in this article.)

Using the eBooking scheduling tool, you can program recurring eBookings to automatically schedule, saving you from repeatedly entering information while automating the eBooking process. Find out in this article how you can do this.

To schedule eBookings, you’ll first need to create a new one. You will have two options once the eBooking has been confirmed:

Schedule more eBookings or Go to my eBookings

Click on Schedule more eBookings and a pop-up will appear allowing you to configure future eBookings. There are 3 stages to schedule your eBookings, Configure, Set frequency and Review and confirm.

How to configure your eBookings

In this section, you can select which days you would like to schedule your eBookings, then the frequency of eBookings per day.

Click on the box next to each day to activate it, then in the corresponding box add the number of eBookings that should be programmed per day.

Next, set the total price range for each of the eBookings. This will define the maximum and minimum price limits for your eBookings.

Enter your AWB number(s)

Now select how you want to program your schedules using AWBs. There are 3 ways you can enter your AWB numbers:

1. How to schedule eBookings using AWBs from a range

If you have a range of AWBs from an airline, you can enter the first and last AWB numbers from the list. The system will then detect how many are in the range to book with. Remember, the number of AWBs you have on the list will determine how many eBookings can be scheduled.

Important: a range limit of 100 AWBs can be uploaded in one go.

2. How to schedule eBookings with existing stock

You have the option to use AWB stock if you already have it assigned to the IATA number selected. This is the AWB management option. If you have stock assigned, this option will be available, if not, it will be greyed out.

Tip: Add AWB stock by going to the Tools tab, and then clicking on the AWB’s section. Bear in mind that if you do not have AWB stock available when you try to make an eBooking, you will need to add stock, then follow the eBooking process again and choose the scheduling option once the eBooking has been processed.

Important: Make sure that you assign the AWB stock to the same IATA number you use for eBooking.

Read this article to get more information about adding AWB stock to your account.

3. How to add AWBs manually to schedule eBookings

You can add AWBs individually for scheduled eBookings. To do this, select Manual AWB from the list, then click Next. On the following page you can enter the manual AWBs one by one.

Regardless of the option for AWB you have chosen, click on Next. This will take you to the second phase of the scheduling process, where you can Set frequency section to set up your schedules.

How to set the frequency of your eBookings

Next, select the start date and finish date for this schedule, then click Next. Bear in mind, you need to have sufficient AWBs available for the date range selected. If there aren’t enough, you will be shown an on-screen error message.

For the days you had previously selected, you can now select the frequency of the bookings. The days chosen will be visible above the frequency dropdown.

You can choose the frequency to be set Weekly, Every 2 Weeks, Every 3 Weeks and Every 4 Weeks. Then select the start and finish dates for your schedules.

If you’re entering AWBs manually, the system will calculate how many manual AWBs to enter to schedule the eBookings. Enter the individual AWBs one by one.

Once you have checked the information, click Next. You will be taken to the Review and confirm page. Here you will see the details of the schedules before confirming.

Depending on the AWB option you have chosen, whether it’s from a range, existing stock, or manually entering them, the information will be visible here as well as the schedule, the total amount for the price range, and the exact dates the system will try to make the bookings for.

Review and confirm

The final stage of the scheduling process is to review and confirm the information you have entered. View route information, flight number(s), product or goods type, dates and frequency of the schedule, AWBs, along with the total number and range, and load information.

Check your information is correct, then click on Confirm schedule. If on the review and confirm stage you notice errors in your schedule, or you need to make any changes, click on Back to set frequency, which will take you to the previous stage.

Process your schedule

After clicking on Confirm schedule, the system will then collect all of your eBookings and attempt to process and place them if they are within the eBooking window.

As they are being placed or scheduled, you can Cancel schedule and eBookings or go directly to the My eBookings tab by clicking on the See all in my eBookings.

Within the My eBookings tab, you can view processing eBookings and their current status.

Tip: if an eBooking status changes at any moment for any of your schedules, or there is an update on an eBooking related to a schedule, you will be notified by email.

No flight found

There may be circumstances when the schedule could not be booked. In this case, next to the eBooking by clicking on the three dots, you’ll have the option to Retry. This will allow the system to communicate once more with the airlines' system to try and place the eBooking.

How to cancel eBookings and schedules

If for any reason you want to cancel a scheduled flight, you can do this from within the My eBookings tab. Find the individually scheduled eBooking and click on the three dots to its right-hand side.

After clicking on this section, you will have the option to Cancel the eBooking. A pop-up will appear asking if you’re sure that you want to cancel.

Click on Cancel scheduled eBooking and it will cancel the eBooking. Bear in mind that you cannot choose to cancel multiple scheduled eBookings in one go.

Other scheduled statuses

A number of statuses may show, depending on the availability of the eBookings you are trying to schedule.

Scheduled not booked - Cancelled by User

This status will show if a user from within your company has cancelled the eBooking.

Awaiting confirmation from airline

The eBooking has not yet been confirmed, and it is awaiting a response from the airline. The status will update when the systems have correctly communicated and the eBooking has been placed, or otherwise.

Scheduled not booked - Invalid AWB

An AWB used to try and schedule the eBooking has been rendered as invalid. This may be because it has been used on another eBooking, or the number does not match with an existing AWB number.

Scheduled not booked - Flight not available

An attempt has been made to try and make the eBooking, but no flight was available on the day selected. You can choose to Retry, or cancel the eBooking and try and book individually for another day.

Scheduled not booked - Error creating booking

This status will show if there is an error with part of the eBooking. If this is the case, you will most likely need to cancel the eBooking and start again.

Scheduled not booked - Error searching rate

This status will show when there’s an error affecting the API connection. Some issues that may arise include exceeding the number of calls made to the airline for live rates. Remember, the system will automatically attempt to book again in this situation. This will happen twice a day until the date of the flight has passed. During this time, you will have the option to book manually.

eBooking schedule enabled

This will reflect the eBooking schedule including the total number of AWBs associated with the schedule, the airline and also the date range of the schedule.

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