The Segment status represents the progress of each leg, including pre/on-carriage and main carriage. It is displayed on the itinerary and is influenced by the booking status.
To view the Segment status of each leg/segment of the shipment, click on Manage shipments, then click on the relevant shipment which will take you to the shipment overview tab. Then scroll down to the Itinerary section.
The available options for Segment status include:
Confirmed: The booking is confirmed. Dates may or may not be scheduled.
In transit: Goods have left the origin but not yet arrived at the destination.
Complete: Goods have arrived at the final destination of that segment.
Pending confirmation: Booking sent to the seller, waiting for confirmation response
Unconfirmed: The carrier did not confirm the initial booking. The seller needs to call the carrier to discuss alternatives.
Confirmed: The booking is confirmed.
Pending cancellation: Customer sent a cancellation request and is awaiting a response
Cancelled by customer: Booking cancelled by the customer. If the user hovers over this status, it will display the cancellation reason.
Cancelled by provider: Booking cancelled by the seller, including "No Show" and rejected statuses. If the user hovers over this status, it will display the cancellation reason.
Error: Booking failed due to an API error.