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How do I use the Assignment Dashboard? 🎥
How do I use the Assignment Dashboard? 🎥

Check on student progress using the Assignment Dashboard with this detailed guide.

Kelly Burnette avatar
Written by Kelly Burnette
Updated over 5 months ago

The Assignment Dashboard has a new look! If you have questions or feedback feel free to reach out to us at

From the Assignment Dashboard, you can monitor class and individual student progress. Check students' progress, quickly grade, answer student questions, and view reports of student performance using the four tabs on the left side of the dashboard.

On this page:

Navigate to the Assignment Dashboard

  1. From the 'My Assignments' page, click on the assignment.

    💡Tip: You can quickly view the percentage of students who have turned in writing and see how many submissions have been graded. You will also get an alert if you have submissions that are ready to be graded.

  2. Click on a class to open up the dashboard for that specific class.

'Students' View

By default, you will begin on the 'Students' tab. Here you will see an overview of all of your students.

At the top of the 'Students' view, you will see 'Performance Alerts' and 'Insights & Recommendations'.

  • Performance Alerts will offer you insight into what percentage of your students have completed their assignment, self reviews (if applicable), and peer reviews (if applicable). Potential authorship issues, high similarity scores, and low GrammarAid scores (Authorship Alerts, Originality Check, and GrammarAid) will also be flagged here.

  • Insights & Recommendations will enhance and elevate your instructional approach.

    • 'Get Started' offers you a complete and personalized lesson plan based on student data from previous assignments.

    • 'Guide Revision' will give you a quick summary of your students' writing and suggestions for revision.

    • 'Celebrate' will highlight student growth within the assignment and over time.

Next, you will see 5 tailored dashboard views for monitoring student progress and performance and providing support.

You also have the option to filter students and sort by first or last name on the right side by clicking on the three dots next to 'Filter students'.

  • Overview

    The 'Overview' view allows teachers to see scores (draft or final), whether students have completed their peer and self-reviews (if applicable), GrammarAid scores, Similarity scores, AI detection, Authorship Alerts, and word count for every student in your class.

    The score legend is as follows:

    • Draft* - indicates that the score listed is an AI draft score

    • Draft on watch* - indicates that the AI draft score is low and you should monitor the student

    • On watch - indicates that the teacher-submitted score is low and you should monitor the student

    The table shows each student in the class and their writing status. If a student has submitted, you can click on their name to open their submission in the grading view. Additionally, you can hover over the blue "submitted... ago" message to view the exact date and time of the submission.

  • Rubric

    The 'Rubric' tab allows teachers to check on student performance by rubric item or question. If you hover over each blue question at the top, you will be able to quickly preview the question.

    The table will also show each student in the class and their writing status. If a student has submitted, you can click the blue link to go straight to the grading view.

    If your assignment has multiple sections, you can navigate to each by selecting from the dropdown menu on the right.

  • Skill/Standard

    The 'Skill' and 'Standard' tabs show student proficiency based on the skills and standards included in the assignment. Hovering over the skills at the top will display the complete skill description.

  • Supports

    The 'Supports' tab allows teachers to individually enable or disable Grammar Aid, Similarity Scores, Text to Speech, and RevisionAid for students. Teachers will also be able to individually collect and return work from this view. Click HERE to learn more about individually collecting and returning work to students.

    ❗️Note: The 'Supports' tab will not show if you have "All Active Classes" selected at the top.

'Guide & Grade' View

The Guide & Grade tab allows you to view student submissions and grade them quickly.

1. At the top of the 'Guide & Grade' view, you can choose which section of your assignment to view and grade. If your assignment only has one section you will not see additional sections listed.

2. There are many ways you can start grading. Multiple Choice questions will be automatically scored, while Short Response and Extended Response questions require you to give the student a score.

  • The first option is to click 'Next to Review' in the upper right corner. This will take you directly to any questions that need scoring.

  • Alternatively, you can choose to grade by question by clicking on the questions in blue or selecting the question in the drop-down menu.

3. While scoring a Short Response question, you will see an answer key (if provided) under the prompt.

💡Tip! You can hide the prompt to free up space and get to your student submissions quicker.

4. You can request AI-generated feedback in two ways. The first way is to click "Get AI Feedback" - this will generate AI comments for all submissions that don't have feedback yet. The second way is to click on the blue arrow - this will generate an AI comment for an individual student.

5. If a student has started work, but hasn't submitted yet, you will see their writing without an option to score. There will also be a "Working on draft..." message. Submitted writing will show the rubric item and scoring options. Students who have not started on the question will not show up.

6. If you would like to see the exact date and time that your student submitted their work, hover over the "submitted...ago" message in the top right corner. The date and time will appear in a gray pop-up box.

7. Once you have scored submissions, click 'Submit' at the bottom of the section.

If you forget to submit after grading the first section, you will get a reminder message to submit your scores when you click on another section.

8. If you have an Extended Response section in your assignment, you can grade them by clicking 'Review Submission(s)' either in the top right or when looking at a specific student. This will take you to the grading view where you can score each rubric item, leave comments on the student's writing and rubric, and leave audio or video feedback. Click here to learn more about grading with a full rubric.

'Proficiency' View

The 'Proficiency' view allows you to quickly see student performance and find recommended tasks and assignments.

'Inbox' View

The 'Inbox' view allows you to see all your messages from students. From here, you can quickly read the message(s) and respond to your student(s).

'Settings' View

The final tab in the Assignment Dashboard is the Settings view. From here, you can adjust peer and self-review requirements, enable AI-powered feedback tools, and collect papers from all of your students at once. Click here to read more about adjusting your assignment settings.

❗️Note: The 'Settings' tab will not show if you have "All Active Classes" selected at the top.

Need Help? Our team is happy to help you explore and learn the new Assignment Dashboard. Please reach out with your questions to our live support or directly at

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