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How do I make sure peer review is effective?
How do I make sure peer review is effective?

Prepare students, monitor scores and feedback, and reinforce progress.

Heidi Perry avatar
Written by Heidi Perry
Updated over 5 months ago

Writable offers several strategies to ensure students are providing accurate feedback, revising, and learning from each other during peer review. Teachers can use a variety of supports to prepare students for peer reviewing, monitor students' reviews and comments, and track revisions throughout the peer review process.

In this section:

Preparing Students to Peer Review

Introduce and Teach Rubric Skills and Sentence Stems

Writable's rubrics are written in student friendly language to help provide clarity for both teachers and students, set expectations for students, and drive skill based instruction. Rubrics also allow students to provide targeted, skill aligned feedback to themselves and others using built in comment stems. Peer review is an excellent opportunity to discuss rubrics with students, allow practice with identifying rubrics skills in other students' writing, and introduce comment stems to provide targeted and actionable feedback to peers. Teachers can use Assign to Me with self-review enabled to introduce rubrics, and model using rubric performance levels and comment stems for students.

Assign Peer Review Practice

Writable provides a collection of assignments intended to guide and scaffold students through the peer review process. Teachers can also create their own peer review practice by creating a modeled response. Practice Peer Review assignments ask students to review model drafts and score sample writing using built in rubrics. After students score the model, they'll view and compare their own score with the actual score, and see sample comments next to their own.

Set Expectations for Reviewing and Revising

Emphasize to students that writing is a continuous process, and feedback and revising are critical to improving. Explain that revision goes beyond editing and includes evaluating and changing written ideas, organization, and sentence structures. Student should consider their voice, tone and overall language usage. By setting expectations for revision, and providing time to complete peer reviews and revise, students are provided opportunities to grow as writers. Emphasizing the written process can help students develop a growth mindset and create a classroom culture to support application of skills learned through feedback.

Monitor Peer Review Scores and Feedback

Monitor Student Review Completion

Use the "Overview tab" table to monitor the percentage of peer and self-review completion. For example, if the assignment requires three peer reviews per submission, 67% completion indicates a student has completed two peer reviews. Students are allowed to review more than the required number of reviews for each draft.

Monitor Student Scores and Feedback

Once students have submitted, you can view feedback left by peer editors by clicking the name of a student from your assignment dashboard.

From your assignment's dashboard, view the "Overview tab" in the table view to compare teacher review scores, self-review scores, and peer review scores. Look to identify how scores compare and how accurate students are assessing their peers' writing as well as their own.

  • Teacher Score: The average score you're giving students as you complete reviews.

  • Self Score: If students are required to complete self-reviews, this score is the average self-review score.

  • Peer Score: This is the average peer review score across all students.

Export Data to View Students Review Alignment Scores

Alignment scores allow the teacher to assess which students are accurately scoring student work. From the assignment dashboard, export to Google Sheets to view peer editor alignment scores. Alignment scores are calculated by comparing students peer review score alignment with the average of all peer scores. If the teachers has graded the submission, reviewer alignment is calculated by comparing the student score to the teacher review. The higher a student scores, the more closely they are aligned with the average score or the teacher review.

Track Student Revisions

Track Revisions by Viewing Past Feedback

Once students have completed peer reviews, consider providing time to revise based on feedback. After students have revised, you can easily track revisions by viewing Past Feedback. This allows you to view and compare students' first draft and final submission. You can also view peer reviewer scores, comments and provide feedback to peer editors.

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