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Settings - Availability
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over 4 months ago

Settings - Availability

In this article you will learn more about the 'Availability' section in the 'Settings' menu of the YourDriverApp Web Portal.

In the Availability menu, you can set up your default daily availability schedule. Customers can only book through the Web Booker when the pickup time falls within these hours. Use the "Override availability" option to configure special dates with different available times from your default schedule.

Default availability

In this screen you are able to configure your default opening hours per day. You can use the plus sign next to each row to create an extra interval for the specific weekday.

Override availability

In this screen you have the option to override your default availability for a specific date or date range. Use the plus sign in the bottom in right corner to create a new override.

  • Name: Enter a name for this specific override.

  • Type: Select whether the override should make you "available" or "unavailable." Unavailable: Blocks the calendar for the selected date(s), regardless of default availability. Available: Opens availability on the selected date(s), overriding the default schedule.

  • Start Date and End Date: Set the date range for the override. Pickup times will be compared against these dates.

  • Description: Provide a description for the override. This text will be displayed to customers to explain any blocked dates.

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